Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Ethics Of Animal Research - 967 Words
Common Sense: An Objective Perspective It seems as though people are often so sure of their own belief of what is right and wrong that they stop challenging themselves on their own beliefs. From a scientific perspective this does not seem to be a logical progression. In order to learn we must continue to question the things that we believe in order to understand where our beliefs truly lie. Much like scientific theories that cannot be proven have to continually be tested in order to prove their validity, we must also constantly challenge our own beliefs to understand their legitimacy. Mylan Engle Jr.’s argument â€Å"The Commonsense Case against Animal Experimentation†in The Ethics of Animal Research attempts to answer the problems of animal research through use of common sense. He does this by trying to give and objective (middle ground) argument against animal research and points out what everyone would consider being inhumane treatment of animals. Engle says: My argument for the immorality of using animals as test subjects in biomedical research is predicated on several widely accepted, commonsense moral principles--principles that you no doubt already believe. These commonsense principles are so central to our conception of morality that any moral theory that conflicted with them would be rejected as unsatisfactory on reflective equilibrium grounds. Since any adequate moral view must cohere with these principles, we can appeal to these principles directly when making moralShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of Animal Research Essay1588 Words  | 7 Pagesthe use of Animals in Biomedical Research Morally Justified? Animals have been treated immorally since the beginning of time, this is shown by hunting, farming, trapping, testing of products and biomedical research etc. As humans, majority of us claim animals as our resources as we use them for eating, making clothing, (leather and fur jackets, shoes) working animals, as a means of transport, animal testing etc. In this essay I will discuss the use of animals in biomedical research and state whyRead MoreResearch Ethics : Animal And Clinical Research1188 Words  | 5 PagesResearch Ethics: Animal and Clinical Research When it comes to clinical research, many people think of clinical trials, but that’s only merely a small portion of a process towards a medical development involving a process call bench to the bedside. Clinical research outline scientific investigation involving animal or human subjects helping translate basic research into new treatments that would be valuable to patients. Clinical trials can contain a variety of research under the departments of physiologyRead MoreEthics of Animal Research Essay537 Words  | 3 PagesEthics of Animal Research One of the many issues of todays conversations is still confusing on my understanding it. Is it ethical for people to engage in animal research for human excellence? And if so, just how far can animal research be taken to meet these achievements for human kind? When thinking about this, I would conclude that animals over human beings do not have any rights what so ever, but I would be the biggest hypocrite in the world by saying this due to believing my doggyRead MoreEssay about The Ethics and Limitations of Animal Research 1550 Words  | 7 Pages The moral status of animals is an issue of much debate in Science. According to The Royal Society, the oldest scientific academy nowadays, it would have been impossible for science and medicine to develop so without animal research (â€Å"The Use of Non-Human Animals in Research†, 2004). Nevertheless, do the human medical benefits really justify the animal suffering in animal research? If so, what should are the possible considerations and limitations related to the matter? It appears to be a challengeRead MoreThe Ethics of Animal Use in Biomedical Research Essay1865 Words  | 8 Pagesout of philosophical circle, animals have traditionally been seen as significantly different from, and inferior to, humans because they lacked a certain intangible quality – reason, moral agency, or consciousness – that made them moral agents. Recently however, society has patently begun to move beyond this strong anthropocentric notion and has begun to reach for a more adequa te set of moral categories for guiding, assessing and constraining our treatment of other animals. As a growing proportionRead MoreIs Ethical Ethics Used Animals For Scientific Research?1403 Words  | 6 PagesKylee Roberts 8th grade Mrs.King April 26, 2016 Is it ethical to use animals for scientific research? When cosmetics and diseases popped up scientists didn’t want to test cures on humans, so they test cures and cosmetics on animals. At first it was little things that weren’t a problem, then they went too far. Animals are starved, shocked, burned, and poisoned as scientists look for something that just might yield some human benefit. In one case, baby mice had their legs chopped off soRead MoreEthics of Animal Testing754 Words  | 3 PagesEthics of Animal Testing For my paper I chose the topic of animal testing because I have always been very passionate for animals and against animal abuse. I have never believed in animal testing and that there were always other alternatives. I wanted to look further into and educate myself about what is being done about this and why it is an ethical issue. I have come up with an axiom to summarize this topic. Testing animals in research revolves around the relative or moral value of humans and animalsRead MoreEthics in Psychology Essay848 Words  | 4 PagesEthics in Psychology Our country was founded on certain moral principles. The moral principles which guide our lives are referred to as ethics. These ethics have an impact on how we interact with the world around us and shape our personalities; this happens even if we do not realize their immediate impact. It is for this very reason that ethics in psychological research became necessary. â€Å"One may also define ethics as a method, procedure, or perspective for deciding how to act and for analyzing complexRead MoreThe Ethical Codes Of Human Research Ethics1035 Words  | 5 Pagesconduct in regards to both humans and animals. Milgram’s (1963) obedience experiment prompted various issues related to human research ethics. In Milgram’s initial experiment, participants were asked to electric shock others in order to test their level of obedience to an authority figure. According to the British Psychological Society (BPS) Code of Human Research Ethics (2010), Milgram put the studies parti cipants at more than minimal risk as the research brought on visible levels of psychologicalRead MoreEthics hinder scientific research. Do you agree?600 Words  | 3 PagesEthics hinder scientific research. Do you agree? Ever since the scientific revolution, there have been countless breakthroughs in the scientific field. From the invention of the light bulb to the computers we stare at daily, it is axiomatic that such things can only happen due to the advancement in science. However, a myriad of scientific researches today have received strong opposition due to the ethical concerns regarding the research. This essay will agree that ethics hinder scientific research
Monday, December 16, 2019
At the Candle Light Free Essays
At the candle light I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of a thing than of a book!  When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library. †? Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice In a world that believes ignorance is bliss, true knowledge can only be earned by reading. The more you read the more lives you live. We will write a custom essay sample on At the Candle Light or any similar topic only for you Order Now Discovering the diverse palette of culture, gaining an insight into what matters in the real, mature world is of far greater use than spending a life time in mediocrity without a chance of a better, more in depth expression of your thoughts. Books have the gift to heal wounds, to sooth troubled minds, to make us dream and hope. When we are alone, books are our best friends; they entertain us in our spare moments. Good novels, books on poetry and short stories, give great enjoyment. At times we become so absorbed in our books that we forget even our important engagements. Loneliness stops being a burden for a reader. It was the English author Bacon who said that reading makes a ‘full man’. No one can question the truth of this saying, but it is the reading of good books alone which bestows upon us the maximum benefit. Of course, all books enrich our vocabulary, all of them make us wonder about, drifting from our daily routine into the vast universe of words written on a piece of paper at one point in history, but only those well written can capture our full attention and make us question the way we see life on its own. Every person is different, we all digest different kinds of literature, but if we are capable of reading in between the lines we develop the most important quality human beings can possess, wisdom. Because people tend to criticise, to be mean and inconsiderate and to be inpatient they forget that all of us are at one point in our life teachers for the others. A book will wait patiently on a shelf full of dust until the moment comes when we decide to devour its knowledge. Once it is read, the mind will arrange the information received in the big puzzle called experience. We feel all of a sudden capable of moving mountains using only our intellect. If I were to summarise the importance which books play in my life I would use a famous quote of Charles William Eliot: â€Å"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers. †How to cite At the Candle Light, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Environmental and Economic Costs-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Write a Review to Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States by Pimentel, Zuniga and Morrison in 2004. Answer: Introduction: 21st century is the era of development of technology and industry and along with this it has been seen that deterioration of the environment is rising at an alarming rate. Various studies are dealing with the change of climate and have seen that one of the main reasons for this environmental devastation is the alien invasive species (Backer et al. 2018). An invasive species is a type of animal species or fungus or it may be plant, which is not native in nature to specific region, however, it seems to expand. Their tendency to rapidly grow causes damage to the ecosystem as well as the human health and wealth. With the rise of alien invasive plants, mammals and other living as well non living organism, ecosystem is having biodiversity; however, they possess certain amount of threat. According to the study of Pimentel, Zuniga and Morrison (2005) in the United States alone there were approximately 50,000 or more invasive species has been introduced since 1906 to 1991 and it has cost the country more than 1.1 billion USD (Hoffmann and Broadhurst 2016). One of the main issues with the invasive species is their control cost and it is hard to determine the overall cost incurred by various economies due to the magnitude of alteration posed on the ecosystem by these species (Turpie and Jurk 2016). This report is meant to analyse the Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States by Pimentel, Zuniga and Morrison, published in 2004 in order to assess the control cost and the change in ecosystem due to the alien invasive species (Pimentel, Zuniga and Morrison 2005). This review of the chosen journal critically examines the contribution to the selected theme of the debate in the case of regional climate change analysis. In the second section of this analysis a synoptic review of the selected journal will be provided and later Assessment of the contribution of the selected journal will be highlighted. Analysis synoptic review of the selected journal: The author of the Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States sets out to contribute better understanding regarding the environmental economic effect of the alien invasive species in the USA (Jardine and Sanchirico 2018). The author has stated that one of the main reasons of the deteriorating environmental economic is caused due to the effect of the alien invasive species. Among 958 native species in the USA, 400 are presently endangered due to the rapid growth of the invasive species (Keller et al. 2018). Not only is the USA, besides this, various ecosystem of different region in the world largely affected by the invasive species. 80% of the native species worldwide are in great danger due to the invasion of the non native species in those regions. Among many invasive species, it has been found that dogs, rats, crop weed and pigeons are the most danger in nature (Glen and Vanak 2018). Control cost of these animals is hig her compared to the other invasive species and according to the estimates the control figure is as high as 44 million USD. According to the Paini et al. (2016) threat from the invasive species in the global agriculture is rising day by day and it has high correlation with degradation of the human health and environment. Selected journal also highlights that how much the native lives are affected by several invasive organisms. Though the selected journal is highly statistics based and categorically distributed, however, the nature of its contribution is not clear throughout the study. Moving forward, an assessment of the selected journal will be performed in order to perform detailed analysis of the selected journal and test how good it fits with the selected theme of study. Assessment of the contribution of the selected journal: Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States published in 2004 is one of the studies that performs a detailed analysis of the environmental economics in the case of alien invasive species. the report has illustrated the environmental economics and has tried to discuss the effect of aliens invasive species on the native species. The research was performed more than a decade ago that makes the estimated values questionable. Besides this, the research work was mostly done on the US data, however various articles like Rumlerov et al. (2016); Ghelardini et al. (2017), describes the environmental economic performance of the alien invasive plants in European region. The report fails to judge the ancient biological invasion and how it has affected the ecosystem of the islands compared to the main land (Hofman and Rick 2017). This journal is mainly a case study of the alien invasion in the US region, which miserably fails to assess the world environment. The chosen model of the selected study is basic in nature and not suitable for future work due to the lack of clear distinction between the various parts. It lacks the explanation regarding the key variables and estimation details of the figures provided. However, it can be seen that the selected study has been reflecting the figures published by the government authorities and the data from previous researches in the case of demographical details (Weber 2017). The selected study concludes with the idea to constrain the present situation of the alien invasion in the ecological environment in the US (Veer and Nentwig 2015). Further it adds that it would be ideal to bring in more government controlling agency like Invasive Species Council and Weed Awareness Coalition to bring in sustainability in the ecosystem. Thus it clearly sets out a path for the policymakers what to do in the case of deteriorating environmental economy. Conclusion: This report has analysed the Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States by Pimentel, Zuniga and Morrison published in 2004 for assessing the environmental economics of alien invasive species. The report has found that over the year, various alien invasive species has cost the US economy an estimated loss of 1.1billion USD. However, the report has also found that 98% of these invasive species creates the food system of the US and they are being used as pest control, pet, sports and for various other purposes. The chosen journal was focused to discuss the environmental economic effect of the alien invasive species; however, the report has found that it fails miserably to discuss the condition of the other countries. For instance, the report has found that alien invasive species has wide environmental economic effect on the European region and in the case of Australia. Finding the errors in the previous researches in this f ield is not only the ultimate outcome; finding and formulating effective policies to control the devastating effective of the alien invasive species should be the main goal. For instance, as the report suggests, there should be more plan like Invasive Species Council of USA, which was built by the then President of USA Bill Clinton in the year 1999. In addition, bringing in more institutions like Invasive Weed Awareness Coalition to control and maintain the spread of invasive plants. Besides this, it would be ideal to bring in more partnership among the concerned economies and stimulate the research to mitigate the issue with the said biological invaders (DiTomaso et al. 2017). Most of the alien invasive plants have become the integral part of the human food cycle; however, the cost incurred due to these macro organisms is beyond the scope of avoidance. To conclude it can be stated that it is high time and investing to prevent the growth of these invasive organism is much required t o make the environment as well as the economy sustainable. References: Bacher, S., Blackburn, T.M., Essl, F., Genovesi, P., Heikkil, J., Jeschke, J.M., Jones, G., Keller, R., Kenis, M., Kueffer, C. and Martinou, A.F., 2018. Socio?economic impact classification of alien taxa (SEICAT).Methods in Ecology and Evolution,9(1), pp.159-168. DiTomaso, J.M., Van Steenwyk, R.A., Nowierski, R.M., Vollmer, J.L., Lane, E., Chilton, E., Burch, P.L., Cowan, P.E., Zimmerman, K. and Dionigi, C.P., 2017. Enhancing the effectiveness of biological control programs of invasive species through a more comprehensive pest management approach.Pest management science,73(1), pp.9-13. Ghelardini, L., Luchi, N., Pecori, F., Pepori, A.L., Danti, R., Della Rocca, G., Capretti, P., Tsopelas, P. and Santini, A., 2017. Ecology of invasive forest pathogens.Biological Invasions,19(11), pp.3183-3200. Glen and Vanak (2018).The bark side: domestic dogs threaten endangered species worldwide. [online] The Conversation. Available at: https://theconversation.com/the-bark-side-domestic-dogs-threaten-endangered-species-worldwide-76782 [Accessed 11 Feb. 2018]. Hoffmann, B.D. and Broadhurst, L.M., 2016. The economic cost of managing invasive species in Australia.NeoBiota,31, p.1. Hoffmann, B.D. and Broadhurst, L.M., 2016. The economic cost of managing invasive species in Australia.NeoBiota,31, p.1. Hofman, C.A. and Rick, T.C., 2017. Ancient biological invasions and island ecosystems: tracking translocations of wild plants and animals.Journal of Archaeological Research, pp.1-51. Jardine, S.L. and Sanchirico, J.N., 2018. Estimating the cost of invasive species control.Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,87, pp.242-257. Paini, D.R., Sheppard, A.W., Cook, D.C., De Barro, P.J., Worner, S.P. and Thomas, M.B., 2016. Global threat to agriculture from invasive species.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,113(27), pp.7575-7579. Pimentel, D., Zuniga, R. and Morrison, D., 2005. Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States.Ecological economics,52(3), pp.273-288. Rumlerov, Z., Vil, M., Pergl, J., Nentwig, W. and Pyek, P., 2016. Scoring environmental and socioeconomic impacts of alien plants invasive in Europe.Biological invasions,18(12), pp.3697-3711. Turpie, J. and Jurk, C., 2016, January. Costs of meeting Aichi Targets for 2020: Target 9Invasive Alien Species. Convention on Biological Diversity. https://www. cbd. int/doc/meetings/fin/hlpgar-sp-01/information/hlpgar-sp-01-aichitargets-05-en. pdf. Accessed. Veer, G. and Nentwig, W., 2015. Environmental and economic impact assessment of alien and invasive fish species in Europe using the generic impact scoring system.Ecology of Freshwater Fish,24(4), pp.646-656. Weber, E., 2017.Invasive plant species of the world: a reference guide to environmental weeds. CABI.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Multimedia Essays - Graphic Design, Communication Design, Design
Multimedia Graphics & Multimedia What is graphics and multimedia? First of all, graphics software pertains to any computer device or program that makes a computer capable of displaying and manipulating pictures. For example, laser printers and plotters are graphics devices because they permit computer to output pictures. Software like word processors support graphics because they let you draw or import pictures. Spreadsheet programs support graphics because they let you display data in the form of graphs and charts. Such applications are often referred to as business graphics. Multimedia has many definitions depending upon whom you ask. A standard definition follows: Multimedia is any combination of text, graphic art, sound, animation, and video delivered to you by computer or other electronic means. Multimedia can help to gain and hold attention, make points clearer, stimulate discussion, and in general, enhance the learning process, if it also includes the appropriate human elements. With the advent of the computer and other electronic devices, multimedia is now being used a number of ways in the classroom including PowerPoint lectures, digital slides, digital videos, case studies, newsgroups, mailing lists, MOOS, MUDS and more. As a student I can be able to use multimedia and graphics as learning materials like learning interactively with software's made for a certain subject. It will also allow me to experience a subject from many angles, giving me deeper understanding of the subject matter. Using various forms of multimedia and graphics in the classroom also helps to keep my interest level high when it comes to learning. For work, being a business major, I think multimedia and graphics will be very useful for me when I make presentations through PowerPoint or when I make a report and I want to present it with charts and graphs, which I wouldn't of been able to do without multimedia and graphics. I can also perform research on the web and without multimedia and graphics I don't think that would be possible for me to do and it would probably take me more time and effort to research it in the library rather than from my computer. In conclusion I feel that multimedia and graphics is the way to go, it can be a very effective tool to communicate, educate, compel, and convince you and/or your audience
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