Saturday, May 23, 2020
Management Plan For Salmon s Alaskan And North Pacific...
BSC3052 – Conservation Biology Management Plan for Salmon in Alaskan North Pacific Ecosystems It comes as no surprise that salmon are one of the most sought after species of fish in the world for human consumption. Because of this, heavy industry and markets have had a critical influence on the salmon populations. Seventeen strains of Pacific salmon are currently listed as threatened or endangered. Due to their extreme demand, many problems have resulted for the species as a whole, from hindrances in their reproduction patterns by modifications in their environment (dams and river modifications) to detrimental conservation efforts (where hatchery salmon were reintroduced causing â€Å"genetic and behavioral dilution†), there are a plethora†¦show more content†¦By 2008, that figure had jumped to 5 billion. Because of the huge presence of hatchery salmon in wild, the result is when hatchery-bred fish return as adults and interbreed with wild salmon, they produce offspring that are less hardy than their purely wild counterparts. Arguably the existence of hatcheri es is directly responsible for offsetting the salmon species composition of the entire North Pacific. Economically, while fisheries immediately can be seen as generating a huge profit, extended dependence and exploitation of fisheries can be incredibly distressing. In an effort to maximize the yield of salmon, hatcheries are failing to see the ocean is an exhaustible resource. The North Pacific Ocean is, at an alarming rate, nearing the limit of its salmon-carrying capacity. (Peterson, 2008) Because hatchery salmon are both outcompeting wild populations of salmon and simultaneously causing genetic dilution by mating with wild populations, the fish that are being caught by fisherman, at an alarming rate, are far less in quality than their wild counterparts. The reason why? Wild populations often possess resistance to the parasites and diseases of their native streams that are not found in the foreign hatchery salmon. In addition, the â€Å"decreasing quality†of salmon also ne gatively influences recreational activities such as sport fishing, a valuable component of both the Alaskan economy and the economies of the pacific north-west. Millions
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Major Depressive Disorder. One Of The Most Commonly Diagnosed
Major Depressive Disorder One of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in the United States is Major depressive disorder. Major depressive disorder is defined by the National Institute of Mental Health as a common but serious mood disorder that causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleep, eating or working. For a doctor to diagnose you the symptoms must be present for a minimum of two weeks. Major depressive disorder is an umbrella for other depressive disorders. Persistent depressive disorder, which is also known as dysthymia, is when someone has persistent depression for two years or more. They may have periods of lesser symptoms intertwined with major depression. Perinatal†¦show more content†¦We will talk about the affects it has on families. We will discuss diagnosis, treatment and the stigma attached to one of the most diagnosed mental disorders in our country. Major Depression Disorder in Adults Major depressive disorder has a significant place in our country. â€Å"In 2015, an estimated 16.1 million adults aged 18 or older in the United States had at least one major depressive episode in the past year. This number represented 6.7% of all U.S. adults†(National, 2015). These numbers do not exclude bereavement, medical illness or substance use disorders. This means that almost 7 people out of every 100 are suffering from depression. Out of the estimated 16.1 million people the affects will range widely. Some will suffer from deppression so badly they will not be able to leave their houses. There may be an overwhelming sadness or maybe just a severe lack of motivation. Some will feel like they are in a constant fog. Others will be able to do basic funtions but not their normal everyday activities or on a regular basis. When these changes happen and last for weeks it becomes a clinical issue. The changes can take a toll on the human body if not addressed and treated. The way depression makes people feel can lead to struggles at work and at home. ItAt work concentration can beceome an issue as well as motivation. Depression also tends to draw the depressed away from their friends andShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Diagnosed With Schizoaffective Disorder One Must Meet Specific Criteria That The Dsm 5974 Words  | 4 PagesIn order to be diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder one must meet specific crite ria that the DSM-5 clearly outlines. In order to be diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder one must meet a number of negative and positive symptoms associated with schizophrenia, these negative symptoms include: false beliefs that are not based in reality, alteration in sensory perceptions, alteration in thought processes, abnormal motor behavior, and a range of symptoms that reduce the person’s ability to functionRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder1125 Words  | 5 Pageshas been diagnosed with several mental disorders. The major diagnosis would be bipolar disorder. She also suffers from borderline personality disorder, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and anxiety. The American Psychiatric Association s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder defines bipolar disorder as a recurrent mood disorder that includes periods of mania or mixed episodes of mania and depression (Murphy, 2012, p. 44-50). It was previously known as manic depressi ve disorderRead MoreFinal Paper - Bipolar Disorder1202 Words  | 5 PagesBipolar disorder is a psychiatric disorder also known as manic depression. It is described as a category of mood disorders. Mood disorders are defined by the presence of one or more episodes known as mania and hypomania. Bipolar disorder affects about five million Americans, about 3 out of every 100 adults. This disorder had been found equally in men and women. The signs and symptoms of major depressive episode are feelings of sadness, anxiety, guilt, anger, isolationRead MoreDiagnosis And Treatment Of Davita Queens Dialysis1707 Words  | 7 Pagestreats patients who have End-Stage Renal Disease. End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is diagnosed to patients who have permanent kidney failure (NKF, 2012). Patients diagnosed with ESRD are faced with a life-altering chronic illness. Hemodialysis is a life-sustaining treatment that becomes a natural part of their daily lives. However, many patients have difficulty adjusting to this new way of living. Individuals diagnosed with ESRD have a long road ahead of them. Patients’ suffering from this disease hasRead More Overview of Mood Disorders Essay1254 Words  | 6 PagesThe Mood Disorders category of the DSM-IV-TR, is one of the most dense categories and probably one of the most commonly talked about categories. People often make comments about being depressed or having bipolar disorder; however, they might not truly meet the diagnostic cri teria to receive the diagnosis. There are several diagnoses in the Mood Disorders category which have been organized into the following subsections: Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, Depressive Disorder Not OtherwiseRead MoreSueng-hui Cho1248 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿There are over 900 pages in the DSM-5, containing all of the mental disorders known to man. (APA, 2013, 165).One of those disorders is a severe case of depression known as â€Å"Major Depressive Disorder†or Major Depression. Major Depression currently affects 14.8 million adults in the United States alone. (APA, 2013, 165).Most adults that are diagnosed with major depressive disorder seek medical treatment or therapy. However, every year more than 1 million people commit suicide either before treatmentRead MoreMajor Types Of Major Depressive Disorder1487 Words  | 6 PagesMajor Depressive Disorder Major depressive disorder is a mood disorder in which a person experiences low mood, loss of interest, and diminished self-esteem. Symptoms of depression take over every part of a person. It can hinder emotions, bodily utilities, behaviors, and thoughts. Depression is a common mood disorder and can affect any age group. Depression occurs when a person experiences a loss of self-esteem. Such as doing badly in a class, the loss of a loved one, or losing a career. Mild symptomsRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Mental Disorders1249 Words  | 5 PagesBipolar Disorder, also known as manic/depressive disorder once was a disorder that carried a severe societal stigmatism. It now has carries less stigmatism but is a disorder which has become difficult to diagnosis and extremely prevalent in today’s society. Due to the manic characteristic of the disorder it differentiates itself from the typical form of depression. Even though both depression and bipolar disorder can be due to an imba lance in brain chemistry and biology, genetics, or effected byRead MoreBipolar II Disorder And Mental Disorders Essay1482 Words  | 6 PagesBipolar II Disorder Approximately 0.5-1 percent of Americans will develop bipolar II disorder in their lifetime, worldwide the prevalence is 0.4 percent (Rosenberg Kosslyn, 2011). Bipolar disorder is one of the main causes of disability, because of its cognitive and functional impairment, the high rate of medical and psychiatric comorbidity, and the relevant suicide risk (Dell Osso, et al., 2016). Bipolar II disorder is one of the two most commonly diagnosed subtypes of Bipolar disorder, which areRead MoreThe Suicide And New Jersey1107 Words  | 5 Pagessuicide rate as stated by the CDR, but they have been increasing dramatically. Suicide has increased by thirteen percent and there are 8.8 deaths in every 100,000 people in New Jersey alone. Most recent suicide records from 2014 has shown New Jersey was tied for second place with Massachusetts. The rate has risen the most rapidly with girls from ages ten to fourteen and with men from the ages of forty-five to sixty-four. Studies have shown that men have searched for help with depression just as well as
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Idealism vs. Pragmatism in Don Quixote Free Essays
Don Quixote is about an old, retired man named Alonso Quixano. He spends most of his time reading chivalrous tales-so much so that he hardly eats or sleeps, causing people to think he has lost his mind. One day, he decides to become a knight and go out in search of adventure. We will write a custom essay sample on Idealism vs. Pragmatism in Don Quixote or any similar topic only for you Order Now He renames himself Don Quixote de la Mancha, and his horse Rocinate. He enlists Sancho Panza, a neighbor, to be his squire, promising him governorship of an island. The two sneak off in the early dawn, and the adventures begin The first example of idealism vs. ragmatism was in the opening scene. A young Alonso is shown outside in a field playing and talking to himself, pretending to slay some enemies. His fantasy is shattered and he is brought back to the real world when his mother calls him inside to go to bed. The next example comes when Alonso is talking to his friends, who happen to be workers. He is optimistic that all of their lives could turn around and that there is an even bigger world full of opportunity out there just waiting to be discovered. All of his friends are realistic and tell him that they are going to be working for their entire lives. Next, Alonso Quixano wanted to be a knight. The barber was over at his house to give him a shave, and everyone was in the room. He started talking about his dreams of being a knight, and everyone laughed at him, telling him to just let the barber shave him. He ignored them, though. He ran outside and made his plans with Sancho Panza to escape and find an island to govern. This brings us to our next example of idealism vs. pragmatism. Alonso and Sancha take off on their horse and donkey, respectively. Remember, they are in search of an island. They will not be able to get to an island on their animals. After this, Don Quixote de la Mancha thought he would bring glory to himself and Sancha Panzo by killing the â€Å"giant monsters†that they ran into on their way to an island, when in reality the monsters were just windmills. He also thought a bleating flock of sheep were an army of singing soldiers. As you can easily tell, idealism and pragmatism are both extremely strong and important facets of Don Quixote. How to cite Idealism vs. Pragmatism in Don Quixote, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Super Girl free essay sample
Once upon a time I thought I was invincible. Notonly that, but I believed I had the potential to fly. No kidding, I actuallythought that if I flapped my arms hard enough they would eventually get me offthe ground. Several attempts later, I felt disillusioned. Then I heardthat it is easier for birds to fly if they take off not from flat ground, butfrom a height that is somewhat, well, high. I happened to stumble upon thisuseful piece of information around the same time my dad finished constructing myvery own playhouse. And not just any playhouse, but one whose top reached nearlyas high as our chicken shed. Incidentally, that chicken shed was convenientlylocated a mere three feet from my playhouse. Naturally, I decided that to flysuccessfully I should act like a bird and think high. The higher the better, infact. After careful observation I came to the conclusion that it would bepossible for me to climb onto the roof of my playhouse, take a mini-leap and landon top of the chicken shed, where I could then carry out my plan to fly. We will write a custom essay sample on Super Girl or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Uponreaching the top of my playhouse, however, I realized that perhaps I had beenwrong about this easy solution. The mere three feetbetween me and the roof of the chicken shed suddenly seemed more like 300 feet. I tentatively stretched out one foot, but could barely graze the gutterwith my toes. Turns out there are disadvantages to being 3 7. Suddenly, myproblem didnt seem like such a dilemma after all. Humans were land-bound for areason, right? Peter Pan could keep his happy thoughts and Id keep my bonesintact, thank you very much. I abandoned all thoughts of flying. I ignored myplayhouse and chicken shed when I walked by; even butterflies, birds andairplanes were too depressing to glance at. Then it happened: Idreamt I could fly. Surely this was a sign. I returned to my flying attempts withrenewed determination. This time I would fly, regardless, though I would fly fromthe top of the playhouse instead. The chicken shed was simplyunattainable. I clearly remember the first jump. It was evening, slightlycool and breezy. The sun was setting behind me and I could see my shadow on theground as I took a deep breath and a big leap and flapped my arms as hard as Icould. What happened next can only be described as the second mostscarring experience of my life, proceeded only by my first shot. Not only did Inot fly, but I landed quite hard in a very unglamorous position, arms and legsspread in every direction. I lay sprawled on the ground, stunned. Fortunately,nothing was broken so I wasnt forced to tell my parents about my misadventure. Iscraped my bruised body and bleeding pride off the ground and dragged myselfstraight to the couch. That first jump turned out to be my last. Today Iam 18 years old, healthy and (mostly) unscarred from my childhood. Graduation isright around the corner. I have big plans for the future, plans that I sometimesworry will fall through. Years ago I thought I would never be able to fly. Mylifetime dream was just out of reach, so close I tried to reach out and grab it -even if that meant jumping off a roof. I failed to live out that dream, butlearned a few lessons about gravity and invincibility (or lack thereof) in theprocess. Most important, I learned that it really is important to look before youleap. Ive changed a lot since that day 12 years ago, but not as much asId like to think. I still have a tendency to jump into situations withoutthinking about the consequences and Im still learning from those consequences.Sometimes I see my playhouse, standing tall and lonely in our yard, and all thosememories come rushing back. I feel a little sad and nostalgic, but also hopeful.Theres so much ahead of me, so much I am prepared to take that leap of faithfor. My future is before me, and I can only hope that I will succeed in livingout my dreams. Who knows, maybe someday I will fly.
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