Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Ethics Of Animal Research - 967 Words
Common Sense: An Objective Perspective It seems as though people are often so sure of their own belief of what is right and wrong that they stop challenging themselves on their own beliefs. From a scientific perspective this does not seem to be a logical progression. In order to learn we must continue to question the things that we believe in order to understand where our beliefs truly lie. Much like scientific theories that cannot be proven have to continually be tested in order to prove their validity, we must also constantly challenge our own beliefs to understand their legitimacy. Mylan Engle Jr.’s argument â€Å"The Commonsense Case against Animal Experimentation†in The Ethics of Animal Research attempts to answer the problems of animal research through use of common sense. He does this by trying to give and objective (middle ground) argument against animal research and points out what everyone would consider being inhumane treatment of animals. Engle says: My argument for the immorality of using animals as test subjects in biomedical research is predicated on several widely accepted, commonsense moral principles--principles that you no doubt already believe. These commonsense principles are so central to our conception of morality that any moral theory that conflicted with them would be rejected as unsatisfactory on reflective equilibrium grounds. Since any adequate moral view must cohere with these principles, we can appeal to these principles directly when making moralShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of Animal Research Essay1588 Words  | 7 Pagesthe use of Animals in Biomedical Research Morally Justified? Animals have been treated immorally since the beginning of time, this is shown by hunting, farming, trapping, testing of products and biomedical research etc. As humans, majority of us claim animals as our resources as we use them for eating, making clothing, (leather and fur jackets, shoes) working animals, as a means of transport, animal testing etc. In this essay I will discuss the use of animals in biomedical research and state whyRead MoreResearch Ethics : Animal And Clinical Research1188 Words  | 5 PagesResearch Ethics: Animal and Clinical Research When it comes to clinical research, many people think of clinical trials, but that’s only merely a small portion of a process towards a medical development involving a process call bench to the bedside. Clinical research outline scientific investigation involving animal or human subjects helping translate basic research into new treatments that would be valuable to patients. Clinical trials can contain a variety of research under the departments of physiologyRead MoreEthics of Animal Research Essay537 Words  | 3 PagesEthics of Animal Research One of the many issues of todays conversations is still confusing on my understanding it. Is it ethical for people to engage in animal research for human excellence? And if so, just how far can animal research be taken to meet these achievements for human kind? When thinking about this, I would conclude that animals over human beings do not have any rights what so ever, but I would be the biggest hypocrite in the world by saying this due to believing my doggyRead MoreEssay about The Ethics and Limitations of Animal Research 1550 Words  | 7 Pages The moral status of animals is an issue of much debate in Science. According to The Royal Society, the oldest scientific academy nowadays, it would have been impossible for science and medicine to develop so without animal research (â€Å"The Use of Non-Human Animals in Research†, 2004). Nevertheless, do the human medical benefits really justify the animal suffering in animal research? If so, what should are the possible considerations and limitations related to the matter? It appears to be a challengeRead MoreThe Ethics of Animal Use in Biomedical Research Essay1865 Words  | 8 Pagesout of philosophical circle, animals have traditionally been seen as significantly different from, and inferior to, humans because they lacked a certain intangible quality – reason, moral agency, or consciousness – that made them moral agents. Recently however, society has patently begun to move beyond this strong anthropocentric notion and has begun to reach for a more adequa te set of moral categories for guiding, assessing and constraining our treatment of other animals. As a growing proportionRead MoreIs Ethical Ethics Used Animals For Scientific Research?1403 Words  | 6 PagesKylee Roberts 8th grade Mrs.King April 26, 2016 Is it ethical to use animals for scientific research? When cosmetics and diseases popped up scientists didn’t want to test cures on humans, so they test cures and cosmetics on animals. At first it was little things that weren’t a problem, then they went too far. Animals are starved, shocked, burned, and poisoned as scientists look for something that just might yield some human benefit. In one case, baby mice had their legs chopped off soRead MoreEthics of Animal Testing754 Words  | 3 PagesEthics of Animal Testing For my paper I chose the topic of animal testing because I have always been very passionate for animals and against animal abuse. I have never believed in animal testing and that there were always other alternatives. I wanted to look further into and educate myself about what is being done about this and why it is an ethical issue. I have come up with an axiom to summarize this topic. Testing animals in research revolves around the relative or moral value of humans and animalsRead MoreEthics in Psychology Essay848 Words  | 4 PagesEthics in Psychology Our country was founded on certain moral principles. The moral principles which guide our lives are referred to as ethics. These ethics have an impact on how we interact with the world around us and shape our personalities; this happens even if we do not realize their immediate impact. It is for this very reason that ethics in psychological research became necessary. â€Å"One may also define ethics as a method, procedure, or perspective for deciding how to act and for analyzing complexRead MoreThe Ethical Codes Of Human Research Ethics1035 Words  | 5 Pagesconduct in regards to both humans and animals. Milgram’s (1963) obedience experiment prompted various issues related to human research ethics. In Milgram’s initial experiment, participants were asked to electric shock others in order to test their level of obedience to an authority figure. According to the British Psychological Society (BPS) Code of Human Research Ethics (2010), Milgram put the studies parti cipants at more than minimal risk as the research brought on visible levels of psychologicalRead MoreEthics hinder scientific research. Do you agree?600 Words  | 3 PagesEthics hinder scientific research. Do you agree? Ever since the scientific revolution, there have been countless breakthroughs in the scientific field. From the invention of the light bulb to the computers we stare at daily, it is axiomatic that such things can only happen due to the advancement in science. However, a myriad of scientific researches today have received strong opposition due to the ethical concerns regarding the research. This essay will agree that ethics hinder scientific research
Monday, December 16, 2019
At the Candle Light Free Essays
At the candle light I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of a thing than of a book!  When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library. †? Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice In a world that believes ignorance is bliss, true knowledge can only be earned by reading. The more you read the more lives you live. We will write a custom essay sample on At the Candle Light or any similar topic only for you Order Now Discovering the diverse palette of culture, gaining an insight into what matters in the real, mature world is of far greater use than spending a life time in mediocrity without a chance of a better, more in depth expression of your thoughts. Books have the gift to heal wounds, to sooth troubled minds, to make us dream and hope. When we are alone, books are our best friends; they entertain us in our spare moments. Good novels, books on poetry and short stories, give great enjoyment. At times we become so absorbed in our books that we forget even our important engagements. Loneliness stops being a burden for a reader. It was the English author Bacon who said that reading makes a ‘full man’. No one can question the truth of this saying, but it is the reading of good books alone which bestows upon us the maximum benefit. Of course, all books enrich our vocabulary, all of them make us wonder about, drifting from our daily routine into the vast universe of words written on a piece of paper at one point in history, but only those well written can capture our full attention and make us question the way we see life on its own. Every person is different, we all digest different kinds of literature, but if we are capable of reading in between the lines we develop the most important quality human beings can possess, wisdom. Because people tend to criticise, to be mean and inconsiderate and to be inpatient they forget that all of us are at one point in our life teachers for the others. A book will wait patiently on a shelf full of dust until the moment comes when we decide to devour its knowledge. Once it is read, the mind will arrange the information received in the big puzzle called experience. We feel all of a sudden capable of moving mountains using only our intellect. If I were to summarise the importance which books play in my life I would use a famous quote of Charles William Eliot: â€Å"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers. †How to cite At the Candle Light, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Environmental and Economic Costs-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Write a Review to Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States by Pimentel, Zuniga and Morrison in 2004. Answer: Introduction: 21st century is the era of development of technology and industry and along with this it has been seen that deterioration of the environment is rising at an alarming rate. Various studies are dealing with the change of climate and have seen that one of the main reasons for this environmental devastation is the alien invasive species (Backer et al. 2018). An invasive species is a type of animal species or fungus or it may be plant, which is not native in nature to specific region, however, it seems to expand. Their tendency to rapidly grow causes damage to the ecosystem as well as the human health and wealth. With the rise of alien invasive plants, mammals and other living as well non living organism, ecosystem is having biodiversity; however, they possess certain amount of threat. According to the study of Pimentel, Zuniga and Morrison (2005) in the United States alone there were approximately 50,000 or more invasive species has been introduced since 1906 to 1991 and it has cost the country more than 1.1 billion USD (Hoffmann and Broadhurst 2016). One of the main issues with the invasive species is their control cost and it is hard to determine the overall cost incurred by various economies due to the magnitude of alteration posed on the ecosystem by these species (Turpie and Jurk 2016). This report is meant to analyse the Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States by Pimentel, Zuniga and Morrison, published in 2004 in order to assess the control cost and the change in ecosystem due to the alien invasive species (Pimentel, Zuniga and Morrison 2005). This review of the chosen journal critically examines the contribution to the selected theme of the debate in the case of regional climate change analysis. In the second section of this analysis a synoptic review of the selected journal will be provided and later Assessment of the contribution of the selected journal will be highlighted. Analysis synoptic review of the selected journal: The author of the Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States sets out to contribute better understanding regarding the environmental economic effect of the alien invasive species in the USA (Jardine and Sanchirico 2018). The author has stated that one of the main reasons of the deteriorating environmental economic is caused due to the effect of the alien invasive species. Among 958 native species in the USA, 400 are presently endangered due to the rapid growth of the invasive species (Keller et al. 2018). Not only is the USA, besides this, various ecosystem of different region in the world largely affected by the invasive species. 80% of the native species worldwide are in great danger due to the invasion of the non native species in those regions. Among many invasive species, it has been found that dogs, rats, crop weed and pigeons are the most danger in nature (Glen and Vanak 2018). Control cost of these animals is hig her compared to the other invasive species and according to the estimates the control figure is as high as 44 million USD. According to the Paini et al. (2016) threat from the invasive species in the global agriculture is rising day by day and it has high correlation with degradation of the human health and environment. Selected journal also highlights that how much the native lives are affected by several invasive organisms. Though the selected journal is highly statistics based and categorically distributed, however, the nature of its contribution is not clear throughout the study. Moving forward, an assessment of the selected journal will be performed in order to perform detailed analysis of the selected journal and test how good it fits with the selected theme of study. Assessment of the contribution of the selected journal: Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States published in 2004 is one of the studies that performs a detailed analysis of the environmental economics in the case of alien invasive species. the report has illustrated the environmental economics and has tried to discuss the effect of aliens invasive species on the native species. The research was performed more than a decade ago that makes the estimated values questionable. Besides this, the research work was mostly done on the US data, however various articles like Rumlerov et al. (2016); Ghelardini et al. (2017), describes the environmental economic performance of the alien invasive plants in European region. The report fails to judge the ancient biological invasion and how it has affected the ecosystem of the islands compared to the main land (Hofman and Rick 2017). This journal is mainly a case study of the alien invasion in the US region, which miserably fails to assess the world environment. The chosen model of the selected study is basic in nature and not suitable for future work due to the lack of clear distinction between the various parts. It lacks the explanation regarding the key variables and estimation details of the figures provided. However, it can be seen that the selected study has been reflecting the figures published by the government authorities and the data from previous researches in the case of demographical details (Weber 2017). The selected study concludes with the idea to constrain the present situation of the alien invasion in the ecological environment in the US (Veer and Nentwig 2015). Further it adds that it would be ideal to bring in more government controlling agency like Invasive Species Council and Weed Awareness Coalition to bring in sustainability in the ecosystem. Thus it clearly sets out a path for the policymakers what to do in the case of deteriorating environmental economy. Conclusion: This report has analysed the Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States by Pimentel, Zuniga and Morrison published in 2004 for assessing the environmental economics of alien invasive species. The report has found that over the year, various alien invasive species has cost the US economy an estimated loss of 1.1billion USD. However, the report has also found that 98% of these invasive species creates the food system of the US and they are being used as pest control, pet, sports and for various other purposes. The chosen journal was focused to discuss the environmental economic effect of the alien invasive species; however, the report has found that it fails miserably to discuss the condition of the other countries. For instance, the report has found that alien invasive species has wide environmental economic effect on the European region and in the case of Australia. Finding the errors in the previous researches in this f ield is not only the ultimate outcome; finding and formulating effective policies to control the devastating effective of the alien invasive species should be the main goal. For instance, as the report suggests, there should be more plan like Invasive Species Council of USA, which was built by the then President of USA Bill Clinton in the year 1999. In addition, bringing in more institutions like Invasive Weed Awareness Coalition to control and maintain the spread of invasive plants. Besides this, it would be ideal to bring in more partnership among the concerned economies and stimulate the research to mitigate the issue with the said biological invaders (DiTomaso et al. 2017). Most of the alien invasive plants have become the integral part of the human food cycle; however, the cost incurred due to these macro organisms is beyond the scope of avoidance. To conclude it can be stated that it is high time and investing to prevent the growth of these invasive organism is much required t o make the environment as well as the economy sustainable. References: Bacher, S., Blackburn, T.M., Essl, F., Genovesi, P., Heikkil, J., Jeschke, J.M., Jones, G., Keller, R., Kenis, M., Kueffer, C. and Martinou, A.F., 2018. Socio?economic impact classification of alien taxa (SEICAT).Methods in Ecology and Evolution,9(1), pp.159-168. DiTomaso, J.M., Van Steenwyk, R.A., Nowierski, R.M., Vollmer, J.L., Lane, E., Chilton, E., Burch, P.L., Cowan, P.E., Zimmerman, K. and Dionigi, C.P., 2017. Enhancing the effectiveness of biological control programs of invasive species through a more comprehensive pest management approach.Pest management science,73(1), pp.9-13. Ghelardini, L., Luchi, N., Pecori, F., Pepori, A.L., Danti, R., Della Rocca, G., Capretti, P., Tsopelas, P. and Santini, A., 2017. Ecology of invasive forest pathogens.Biological Invasions,19(11), pp.3183-3200. Glen and Vanak (2018).The bark side: domestic dogs threaten endangered species worldwide. [online] The Conversation. Available at: https://theconversation.com/the-bark-side-domestic-dogs-threaten-endangered-species-worldwide-76782 [Accessed 11 Feb. 2018]. Hoffmann, B.D. and Broadhurst, L.M., 2016. The economic cost of managing invasive species in Australia.NeoBiota,31, p.1. Hoffmann, B.D. and Broadhurst, L.M., 2016. The economic cost of managing invasive species in Australia.NeoBiota,31, p.1. Hofman, C.A. and Rick, T.C., 2017. Ancient biological invasions and island ecosystems: tracking translocations of wild plants and animals.Journal of Archaeological Research, pp.1-51. Jardine, S.L. and Sanchirico, J.N., 2018. Estimating the cost of invasive species control.Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,87, pp.242-257. Paini, D.R., Sheppard, A.W., Cook, D.C., De Barro, P.J., Worner, S.P. and Thomas, M.B., 2016. Global threat to agriculture from invasive species.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,113(27), pp.7575-7579. Pimentel, D., Zuniga, R. and Morrison, D., 2005. Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States.Ecological economics,52(3), pp.273-288. Rumlerov, Z., Vil, M., Pergl, J., Nentwig, W. and Pyek, P., 2016. Scoring environmental and socioeconomic impacts of alien plants invasive in Europe.Biological invasions,18(12), pp.3697-3711. Turpie, J. and Jurk, C., 2016, January. Costs of meeting Aichi Targets for 2020: Target 9Invasive Alien Species. Convention on Biological Diversity. https://www. cbd. int/doc/meetings/fin/hlpgar-sp-01/information/hlpgar-sp-01-aichitargets-05-en. pdf. Accessed. Veer, G. and Nentwig, W., 2015. Environmental and economic impact assessment of alien and invasive fish species in Europe using the generic impact scoring system.Ecology of Freshwater Fish,24(4), pp.646-656. Weber, E., 2017.Invasive plant species of the world: a reference guide to environmental weeds. CABI.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Multimedia Essays - Graphic Design, Communication Design, Design
Multimedia Graphics & Multimedia What is graphics and multimedia? First of all, graphics software pertains to any computer device or program that makes a computer capable of displaying and manipulating pictures. For example, laser printers and plotters are graphics devices because they permit computer to output pictures. Software like word processors support graphics because they let you draw or import pictures. Spreadsheet programs support graphics because they let you display data in the form of graphs and charts. Such applications are often referred to as business graphics. Multimedia has many definitions depending upon whom you ask. A standard definition follows: Multimedia is any combination of text, graphic art, sound, animation, and video delivered to you by computer or other electronic means. Multimedia can help to gain and hold attention, make points clearer, stimulate discussion, and in general, enhance the learning process, if it also includes the appropriate human elements. With the advent of the computer and other electronic devices, multimedia is now being used a number of ways in the classroom including PowerPoint lectures, digital slides, digital videos, case studies, newsgroups, mailing lists, MOOS, MUDS and more. As a student I can be able to use multimedia and graphics as learning materials like learning interactively with software's made for a certain subject. It will also allow me to experience a subject from many angles, giving me deeper understanding of the subject matter. Using various forms of multimedia and graphics in the classroom also helps to keep my interest level high when it comes to learning. For work, being a business major, I think multimedia and graphics will be very useful for me when I make presentations through PowerPoint or when I make a report and I want to present it with charts and graphs, which I wouldn't of been able to do without multimedia and graphics. I can also perform research on the web and without multimedia and graphics I don't think that would be possible for me to do and it would probably take me more time and effort to research it in the library rather than from my computer. In conclusion I feel that multimedia and graphics is the way to go, it can be a very effective tool to communicate, educate, compel, and convince you and/or your audience
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Ritalin War essays
The Ritalin War essays Ritalin is a type of methylphenidate that produces a stimulant to the central nervous system (Wed MD). The exact way Ritalin works is unknown, however, we do know that Ritalin is being taken by four to six million children daily (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Pediatricians and doctors are giving this medication to young children in America that have some sort of behavioral problem with very little evidence of its effect. Attention deficit disorder ADD and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD are two types of disorders that are behavioral. These disorders are considered to be cause of a chemical imbalance in the brain. ADD and ADHD are not disorder but personality traits however, those who believe it is a disorder say the symptoms are different depending on the individual. Those who believe these are disorders say, Many are over stimulated, distracted, and restless. Others become hyper vigilant, withdrawn, and compulsive. Others act out, become disruptive or aggressive. All have trouble with self-esteem in their struggle to function (Reichenberg). Children and adolescents with these disorders are more heavily diagnosed than any other age group. About 70 percent of people diagnosed with the disorders use drugs to help manage the symptoms (Beal). Methylphenidate is the scientific name of the drug used with common names of Ritalin, Concerta, Metadate, and Methylin (Park). The scientific evidence and evaluation of Ritalin and other forms of Methylphenidate is very scarce. We do not know what the long term effects are or even if the drugs are stopping or just covering up the symptoms of ADD and ADHD. We do however know some of the side effects that are most commonly associated with the drugs. Some of the positive side effects that prescribed users may experience include an easy to take form, increased ability to co ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Explaining Relative Clauses in Latin
Explaining Relative Clauses in Latin Relative clauses in Latin refer to clauses introduced by relative pronouns or relative adverbs. The relative clause construction includes a main or independent clause modified by its dependent of subordinate clause. It is the subordinate clause that holds the relative pronoun or relative adverb giving its name to this type of clause. The subordinate clause usually also contains a finite verb. Latin uses relative clauses where you might sometimes find a participle or a simple appositive in English. pontem qui erat ad Genavamthe bridge (which was) at GenevaCaesar .7.2 Antecedents... or Not Relative clauses modify the noun or pronoun of the main clause. The noun in the main clause is referred to as the antecedent. This is true even when the antecedent comes after the relative pronoun.This antecedent noun can even appear within the relative clause.Finally, an antecedent that is an in indefinite may not appear at all. ut quae bello ceperint quibus vendant habeantthat they may have (people) to whom to sell what they take in warCaesar De Bello Gallico 4.2.1 Markers of the Relative Clause The relative pronouns are normally: Qui, Quae, Quod orquicumque, quecumque, and quodcumque) orquisquid, quidquid. quidquid id est, timeÃ… DanaÃ… s et dÃ… na ferentÄ“swhatever it is, I fear the Greeks even when they offer gifts.Vergil .49 These relative pronouns agree in gender, person (if relevant), and number with the antecedent (the noun in the main clause that is modified in the relative clause), but its case is usually determined by the construction of the dependent clause, although occasionally, it comes from its antecedent. Here are three examples from Bennetts New Latin Grammar. The first two show the relative pronoun taking its case from the construction and the third shows it taking it from either the construction or the antecedent, but its number comes from an unspecified term in the antecedent: mulier quam vidÄ“bÄ musthe woman whom we sawbona quibus fruimusthe blessings which we enjoypars quÄ « bÄ“stiÄ «s objectÄ « sunta part (of the men) who were thrown to beasts. Harkness notes that in poetry sometimes the antecedent can take the case of the relative and even be incorporated into the relative clause, where the relative agrees with the antecedent. An example he gives comes from Vergil: Urbem, quam statuo, vestra estThe city, which I am building is yours..573 The relative adverbs are normally: ubi, unde, quo, orqua. nihil erat quo famem tolerarentthere was no means by which they could relieve their starvationCaesar .28.3 Latin uses the adverbs more than in English. Thus instead of the man from whom you heard it, Cicero says the man whence you heard it: is unde te audisse dicisCicero De Oratore. 2.70.28 Relative Clause vs. Indirect Question Sometimes these two constructions are indistinguishable. Sometimes it makes no difference; other times, it changes the meaning. Relative Clause: effugere nÄ“mÃ… id potest quod futÃ… «rum estno one can escape what is destined to come to passIndirect Question: saepe autem ne Ã… «tile quidem est scÄ «re quid futÃ… «rum sitbut often it is not even useful to know what is coming to pass. Sources: Complex Sentences, Grammaticalization, Typology, by Philip Baldi. Published: 2011 by Walter de Gruyter The Confusion of the Indirect Question and the Relative Clause in Latin, by A. F. Brunlich; Classical Philology, Vol. 13, No. 1 (Jan., 1918), pp. 60-74. Straightening out the Latin Sentence, by Katherine E. Carver; , Vol. 37, No. 3 (Dec., 1941), pp. 129-137. Examples From Allen and Greenoughs New Latin Grammar, Hale and Bucks A Latin Grammar, Bennetts New Latin Grammar, and Harkness Latin Grammar
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Answer the following question after reading Heart of Darkness How are Essay
Answer the following question after reading Heart of Darkness How are women treated andor portrayed in Conrad's 'Heart of darkness' - Essay Example Conrad possibly employs women characters in his short novel "Heart of Darkness" in a way that reflect the archaic perspectives concerning women, and takes more primitive demeaning view point (Conrad 2000). Three major characters in this story namely, the aunt of Mr. Marlow, the African mistress of Mr. Kurtz, and his fianc are used to present different moods and apply twist to the story. Conrad also used two knitting women to symbolize the nature of human fate and to enlighten Mr. Marlow, before his departure to the dark region of Africa, the chaos and anarchy employed by western colonizers on the black African natives. Whether Conrad's treatment of women in Heart of Darkness project extraordinarily complex male understanding of women, or puts the reader to contrasting pictures of women is interesting to explore. Characterization of women in the ancient Greek to the present, and view point of Conrad calls for a rational view. Greek literature display power and authority in women and Homer was a master in presenting women in this role. For understanding Conrad, a deep and critical analysis of the social system and male prejudice about women, during the period of writing "Heart of Darkness," is essential to understand his motive in presenting three major characters in different colors in this novella. ... Greek literature, particularly The Odyssey of Homer, present woman as strong driving force behind man and the characters Penelope, Naussica, and Anticlia are good examples. Penelope, a faithful and loving wife of Odysseus, is a perfect, devoted, strong person and "blessed in the possession of a wife endowed with such rare excellence of understanding and so faithful to her wedded lord." (Homer 2000 p.256). It clearly depicts the powerful role of women in Greek literature. Conrad also used women very sparingly in Heart of Darkness, but in a way that reflect the archaic perspectives concerning women, and takes more primitive demeaning viewpoint. In Heart of Darkness no explicit narrative is used by Conrad to describe women's role except a whole page on the African woman, that too towards the end of the story. Conrad used only three major female characters in the form of: an influential aunt of Mr. Marlow in the beginning; the savage, imposing Black African women, the mistress of Mr. Kurtz in the middle; and the modest white lady, the intended of Mr. Kurtz in the end of the story. The white and black female characters are presented in contrasting status and it is a reflection of prejudice present in Conrad. Marlow considers white women as the keepers of the flame at home and the purest form of belief in their society. In the words of Marlow, "I tried the women. I, Charlie Marlow, set the women to work-to get the job" is clear example to show that in the view of Conrad women are simple medium to attain the men's ambitions (Conrad. 2000. p. 22). Again the male exploitive notion drove Marlow to his aunt, an 'enthusiastic soul' whom knew the wife of a very 'high personage in the Administration" and she was determined to make no end a fuss to get him appointed
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Xia Qinggao Hsieh Ch'ing Kao Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Xia Qinggao Hsieh Ch'ing Kao - Essay Example He was very aware of English naval tradition, and sounded admiring of the rescue processes involved in helping those in need on the high seas, and the possibility of punishment for failing to carry out this duty. The tone, while factual, hinted that in China, similar rules for duty to others applied. He perceived that the English were great maritime traders, and by his own travels, we assume that China too was involved in this trade. That is confirmed by the writer's geographical knowledge (not always accurate) and the flags he observed flying from ships at sea; he must have been part of that trading tradition. His comments regarding smallpox quarantine in Portugal, and its purpose in disease prevention, are stated in a tone that allows us to infer that this would happen too in Chinese ports. With regard to the products and manufactured goods for all the countries mentioned, his awareness was based on knowledge, and such goods were more than likely available in China. He sounded impressed by the "fine system of waterworks" in London, and how easily families could access clean water, with a fair method of payment described. Such a facility might not have been freely available to all in China, judging by his tone and interest. He mentioned good routes by land and water in Portugal, good land routes in the Scandinavian countries, and the steamboat in America impressed him. Because he was so knowledgeable about transportation, we can assume that good mechanisms existed in China, though it was unlikely that they had steam driven boats, as his description was rather inaccurate. In comparing climate, he mentioned only Portugal as being colder than "Fukien and Kwangtung", though England and Sweden would have been even colder. This tells us that parts of China were very hot. From his comment on "dwelling houses of more than one story" we can surmise that this was not the norm in China, where traditionally, one-story family dwellings were set around a courtyard with one main entrance gate. The detailed descriptions of clothing, and how it determined social class, suggested that it was very different in style from Chinese clothing, while drawing attention to the differences between what was worn by the rich and poor, similar to such class divisions in China. The European clothes were "tight fitting" at the top, so Chinese clothes must be less so. His comment on the English "Men and women all wear white ordinarily; for mourning, however, black is used." and this links to the idea of white being the mourning color in China. On pointing out that in Portugal, both genders wore leather shoes, he established that this was not the case in China. The loose skirts were different to Chinese female dress, we can surmise by his interest, but the custom of rich young noblewomen learning to sing and dance from an early age seemed to be a familiar practice, by his tone, and was part of Chinese culture. When describing Portugal's royal family structure and succession issues, "the king does not take a new reign title, but follows the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Hospitality Operation Management Essay Example for Free
Hospitality Operation Management Essay Executive Summary This report is based on the findings from Tripadvisor that aimed to examine theissues of in Bella Vista Hotel and Resort Langkawi and provided therecommendations for improving housekeeping management in the futureexpansion. The findings in this report are according to the comments fromguests who had been staying in Bella Vista Hotel and Resort previously and makethe judgments on those serious issues in this particular hotel. The studyconfirmed the existing of inappropriate hotel housekeeping operation andmanagement would strongly influence the image of hotel and lead this hoteltowards low revenue. This report discusses on four issues of Bella Vista Hoteland Resort which are room hygiene and cleanliness concerns, inappropriatemaintenance, bathroom and amenities as well as inconsistent manpowermanagement and other service. Because of the massive growth of travelers around the world, the guests‟ perception to the hotel rooms have been shifted differently compared the past. Hotel guests are looking forward a comfortableroom and proper hotel management when they are staying in particular hotel toincrease the satisfaction of guests. It is shown that the comments from hotelguests are effective means of evaluating the issues of Bella Vista Hotel andResort and the application of recommendations are highlighted. Introduction to assignment objectives Hospitality environment has always played a key role in the tourism and hotelculture. Lodging or Accommodation with service is the center of any hotel in theworld, but recently, it has been facing many problems. Society nowadays shiftsthe concerns from traditional style with high-class service and room amenities tothe flexibly modern way of saving money or budget oriented style due to thechanges of preferences, economic crisis and other external factors. Guestsbecome smarter and pickier when they choose the hotel to stay. The hotelsattempting to succeed have to forecast what the new trend is. And they alsoshould consider of combining two elements of luxury and budget in one coreproduct  room (Power, 2005).Malaysia is early named as one of the most popular tourist destinationsworldwide. With its significant hot spots, especially in island areas, tourists areincreasingly coming to Malaysia and enjoying their trip with affordable price.Langkawi islands (Malaysia) and its hotels serve a thousand of tourists annually,which means to sustain the quality and quantity, the hotels in this isolated islandput as much effort as possible. With the combination of the custom ers‟ expectation factors such as low rate and high quality in service, the frequency of guests‟ returns inclines tremendously in Langkawi. However, in an isolated area with many issues can be happened, and to solve the problems, it could beanalyzed critically and particularly.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay on Spirituality in the Works of Linda Brent, Toni Morrison, and Sapphire :: compare and contrast essay examples
Inclusive Spirituality in the Works of Linda Brent, Toni Morrison, and Sapphire - Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Song of Solomon, and Push      What would it be like to be torn from your home and sent so far away you could never return? And what would it be like to have your history stripped from you, your name discarded, and your own religion replaced with one that had few, if any, ties to your previous life? When slaves were brought to America they were taken from all they had known and forced to live in a land of dark irony that, while promising life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, provided them with only misery. In a situation such as the one in which the slaves found themselves, many people would rely on their religion to help them survive. But would slaves be able to find spiritual comfort within the parameters of a religion that had been passed on to them from the slaveholders? In each of the three texts "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl," Song of Solomon, and Push, African-Americans struggle to find a spirituality that is responsive to their needs and that encompasses their experiences i n a way that the religion of the dominant culture does not.  Of the three texts to be examined, Linda Brent's Autobiography, "Incidents," most explicitly shows the inability of the dominant culture's religion to fulfill the needs of the minority. From the tone of her story, one realizes that Brent felt "true Christianity," if it could be found, might comfort the slaves and fulfill their needs. But Brent also felt that slavery created a paradox which made "true Christianity" impossible.  Many times in her text Brent points out the irony that, as slaveholders, the masters treat their slaves as property; yet, as Christians, they should treat them as humans. For example, Brent's mother's mistress promises that Brent and her siblings will "never suffer for any thing" (343). Brent assumes that this means they will be given their freedom when the mistress dies; however, they are not freed but passed along as property. Brent says that her mistress taught her the biblical principles that she should treat others as she would wish to be treated, and that she should adhere to the biblical commandment to "love thy neighbor as thyself," but then she pointedly adds, "But I was her slave, and I suppose she did not recognize me as her neighbor"(344).
Monday, November 11, 2019
Engage in personal development in health, social care or children’s a young people’s settings Essay
My role of a Teaching Assistant begins at 7.45 am where my colleague and I begin preparation for the school Breakfast Club. This includes setting out table top activities such as jigsaws, colouring and ipads. Breakfast Club also has a pool table so I write a weekly rota for this to ensure fair play. During breakfast club I encourage the children to sit together and eat a healthy breakfast of cereal, toast and choice of fruit juice. I have time to sit, chat and take part in the activities the children are doing which enables me to form good relationships with the children there. Breakfast Club is new to the school in Sept 2013 so we are currently putting together a display board which shows examples of the breakfasts, posters designed by the children and pictures of the staff that work there. Then I have 10 minutes in the nursery unit to help the teacher do some preparation for the day, for example this maybe hiding arrows around the playing field for the children to take part in a treasure hunt or preparing pots of paint. We then welcome the children into class and help them with hanging up coats and bags, comforting any that maybe distressed as their carer has left. Once they are settled the teacher will begin the register and my role is to help the children take part and sit quietly on the carpet and listen. We then begin our morning activity. I will be asked to take a small group with me for example to draw an apple tree and have to complete a short assessment on them. For example ask them to draw a tree; are they using brown for the trunk? Green for the leaves? Can they follow a simple instructions? Whilst taking part in this activity I bring as much of the welsh language as possible e.g. I will ask them the welsh words for the colours we are using. We then head back to the class for ‘tidy up time’ and snack. Two mornings I prepare the snack of toast and milk. Then 3 mornings I supervise the Reception children on the yard. I ensure the children are playing happily with one another and no one is left on their own. Often I bring out bikes so I have a timer to make sure each child has the same amount of time on a bike. Some children may need the toilet and I assist in any personal care needs required or if they have had an accident then I will put gloves on and change the child. Then it’s back to Nursery class for the second part of the morning which could be songs or story on the carpet where I encourage ‘good sitting and listening’ for the teacher. At 11.30 most of the nursery children are getting collected so I again help with bags and sing our welsh going home song. I then make sure the classroom is tidy and take the Reception children over to the main dinner hall for them to have a cooked lunch. Whilst there I make sure each child has a meal, desert and drink. I encourage them to eat as much as they feel they can. If the leave something, for example carrots and will ask that they eat as many as they can. Once the dinner hall is empty and the tables wiped down I supervise on the main yard with Years 1-6. There the children will ask me if they want to go inside the School for the toilet or a drink. I will discipline any children that are not acting appropriately; I make sure no one is left on their own. Then I take part in encouraging happy play by blowing bubbles for the younger children and help with skipping and taking part in any fun games they want to do. If we have any injuries then I take them to the school secretary and write in accident book and call the parents if I feel it is necessary. Page 2 – Kathryn Di Terlizzi Assignment Unit 332 (1.2) For all Teaching Assistant roles there is a set of National Occupational Standards (NOS) set out by each individual school. These NOS offer guidance on wider aspects for competent performance (Burnham 2010 pg 118). They were set up to realise the potential of all teaching support staff whatever their role. (http://www.napta.org.uk/) The standards are statements about how tasks should be carried out and the minimum acceptable quality of practice that should be delivered. I have looked closely through the standards and looked at the most important ones to me in my role and given an explanation on each one as follows – 301.3 Understand legislation, policies and procedures for confidentiality and sharing information including data protection The Data Protection Act of 1998 is designed to ensure that confidential information cannot be passed to others without the individual consent. In my role I am exposed to a great volume of confidential information and I understand I cannot pass this to anyone. My sons attend the same school so I am often approached by parents at birthday parties asking me how their child is getting on. I understand the schools confidentiality policy so say sorry I can’t discuss this outside of school, please come and see the teacher and discuss on Monday. 302.3 Understand school ethos, mission, aims and values The school ethos –â€Å"St David’s Roman Catholic Primary School is part of the living presence of Christ in the modern world. Part of our purpose is, by the education, care and protection of our children, to present a model of Christian living that is clear to all.†(https://swansea-edunet.gov.uk/en/schools/StDavids/Pages/Mission_Statement.aspx) I am employed in a Catholic primary school but I am not a Catholic. However daily I embrace the catholic ethos and take part in Mass, Prayers and Religious Education activities. For example October is the month of the Rosary Bead. This week we have been learning about the letter ‘b’ so to tie in religion I have asked the children to bring in any Rosary Beads they have to ‘show and tell’ to the class. This builds confidence talking in front of the class and brings in the school ethos. 303.2 Be able to prepare for learning activities Before the children arrive in the morning the teacher will inform me of what activity I will be doing with them. For example when we were learning about the letter ‘a’ Mrs Jones asked me to take the children to the field in small groups and draw the apple tree. Preparation is vital for this to ensure it runs smoothly. As once the children are with me on the field if I have forgotten something for safety reasons I cannot run back to the class leaving the children. Frustratingly they would have to come back with me which would cut down the activity time. First I gather the resources I need for the activity, chairs, clipboards, paper, and pencils. Then once my 5 children are ready I make sure if it has been wet they are wearing Wellington boots and coats and hold on to the handrail as they exit the classroom. I make sure they walk carefully in a straight line down the path, closing the nursery door behind me which has a safety code so no outsider can gain access. Once we have arrived at the field I make sure our immediate environment is safe for example by checking for things the children could trip over. Depending on the children I may need to adapt some of the resources for example some children find it difficult to press hard with a pencil so I make sure I have other things with me like crayons and felt tip pens. Page 3 – Kathryn Di Terlizzi Assignment Unit 332 304.2 Be able to promote positive behaviour It is imperative in any school for children to have guidelines in school so they have a clear understanding of how to behave in school. Children need to be aware of the boundaries within which to manage their behaviour, so that they understand what is expected of them. (Burnham 2010 pg 58) In our nursery unit we encourage positive behaviour with stars on their jumpers to go home and show their parents. If a child has done something positive like sat well and listened to a story we will tell the whole class how happy we are with that child and give them a bigger reward like make them the ‘helpwr y dydd’ – helper of the day. 306.2 Understand the impact of prejudice and discrimination on children and young people Children can experience prejudice and discrimination in several ways, religion, ethnicity, sex, body image, disabilities. It will affect their self esteem and their learning will almost defiantly be affected. They could be come withdrawn and may not want to attend school. You must ensure your own inbuilt ideas do not affect how you treat children. I have not come across it yet but understand I must always challenge discrimination. It can be promoted in a positive way by posters in school and bringing in guest speakers to talk about their own experiences in a positive way. 331.2 Understand the factors that influence children and young people’s development and how these affect practice There are personal factors that could influence a child’s development for example their health. We have a child in Year 4 that has a heart problem and has missed a lot of school for operations. This could also affect his social activities for example on the playground. A child’s emotional development may also be affected depending on their awareness of their needs and the extent to which they are affected. It is important that the adults in school are aware of how pupils may be affected by these kinds of conditions so we can support them by ensuring they are included as far as possible. (Burnham 2010 pg 155) External factors can also have a massive affect. Families can go through significant changes through the school years for example separation, bereavement, new partners, house move or changing country. This can affect their ability to learn. Statistics show that children that suffer from poverty and deprivation are less lightly to thrive and achieve well in school. Some children make personal choices on friendship groups and extra curricular activities, they may need advice and support from adults to make sure the choices were right for them. Some children may come from a very alternative background such as a home schooling environment. These children may need some additional support until they become settled. (Burnham 2010 pg 156) There have been a number of theories of development. Many physiologists have different ideas about how children learn. Some think it is innate and others feel it depends on the opportunities a child has been given, often referred to the nature nurture debate. One of the physiologists Watson believed that we are all born with the same abilities and anyone can be taught anything and that it does not depend on innate ability but on watching others. His idea of ‘classical conditioning’ was born out of Ivan Pavlov’s research using dogs. He noted his subjects would salivate before the delivery of food. In a series of experiments he presented a variety of stimuli before the presentation of food, eventually finding that, after repeated association, a dog would salivate to the presence of a stimulus other than food. He termed this response a conditional reflex. (psychology.about.com) Page 4 – Kathryn Di Terlizzi Assignment Unit 332 Children that come into nursery are treated the same and assumed at first to have the same abilities. As it becomes apparent some children need more support than others then the level is identified. Appropriate bodies are brought in to observe and correct support is implemented. 333.4 Understand how to respond to evidence or concerns that a child or young person has been abused or harmed Possible signs or symptoms that may be cause for concern are – Acting out in an inappropriate sexual way with toys or objects Becoming withdrawn or very clingy Becoming unusually secretive Sudden unexplained personality changes, mood swings and seeming insecure Regressing to younger behaviours, e.g. bedwetting Outburst of anger New adult words for body parts Talk of a new, older friend and unexplained money or gifts Physical signs, such as, unexplained soreness or bruises around genitals or mouth, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy Not wanting to be alone with a particular child or young person (http://www.parentsprotect.co.uk/warning_signs.htm#) If a child tells me something I should listen and try as best I can to write down word for word what the child is telling me and not question anything they are saying just let them speak. I will then explain to them that I am not able to keep it a secret and I must tell Mrs Jones the teacher. Mrs Jones will then take the relevant action. The UK Government ratified the Convention on 16 December 1991. This means that the Government must make sure that every child in the UK has the rights that are listed in the Convention. The Government can do this by passing laws or by taking other action, including making sure that the rights in the Convention is widely known in the UK. One of these points is as follows – Protection from violence, exploitation, abuse, neglect and maltreatment: The Government must make sure you are protected from any type of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse or exploitation, while you are living with your parents or in the care of anyone else. Special procedures must be set up to help you if you have been the victim of abuse. (http://www.lawstuff.org.uk/the-facts/what-are-childrens-rights) Bibliography www.teaching-assistants.co.uk www.napta.co.uk www.gov.uk/government/publications/nos-for-supporting-teaching-learning Oct 2010 Burnham, L (2010) â€Å"Support Teaching & Learning in Schools†. Published by Heinemann Reference List Burnham, L (2010) â€Å"Support Teaching & Learning in Schools†. Published by Heinemann www.psychology.about.com/od/profilesofmajorthinkers/p/pavlov.htm (accessed on 05/10/2013) http://www.parentsprotect.co.uk/warning_signs.htm# (accessed on 05/10/2013) http://www.lawstuff.org.uk/the-facts/what-are-childrens-rights (accessed on 05/10/13) https://swansea-edunet.gov.uk/en/schools/StDavids/Pages/Mission_Statement.aspx (accessed 05/10/13) http://www.napta.org.uk/ (accessed 05/10/13)
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Language Processing and Production Essay
This experiment investigated hemispheric specialisation and dominance with regards to language functions. It used a computer program to measure the amount of key presses achieved by participants in a given time across four different trials (1 with the left hand, no talking, 2 with the left hand whilst being asked questions, and the same two trials again with the right hand). The participants were 2nd year psychology students from which a cohort of 20 was selected for data analysis. A significant difference was found for the effect of hemisphere and language processing task present or absent. However, the means for each trial did not support left hemispheric dominance for language functions: more key presses were recorded when talking and using the right hand than when talking and using the left. Handedness and some involvement of the right hemisphere in language processing and production were also shown as appearing to influence the results obtained. The main conclusion to be drawn is that hemispheric specialisation and language dominance is a subject that needs further investigation in order to clarify the generalisability of conclusions made about left hemisphere language specialisations. Our brain consists of two halves; the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere receives information from and controls muscles in the right side of the body, whilst the right hemisphere receives information from and controls muscles in the left side of the body. Research using brain imagery and studies of brain damaged and split brain patients, to name just a few examples, has shown that some of our functions are controlled more by one hemisphere than the other, i.e. are more specialised for that particular function. This experiment aims to investigate these differing specialisations of the hemispheres more deeply and with particular regard to language. Research into language differences between the two hemispheres is widespread and supports the view that the left hemisphere is the more dominant. Marc Dax was the first to notice hemispheric differences in his brain damaged patients, after having seen many patients suffering from loss of speech. Dax found what appeared to be an association between the loss of speech and the side of the brain where the damage occurred. ‘In more than 40 patients with aphasia, Dax noticed damage to the left hemisphere; he was unable to find a case that involved damage to the right hemisphere alone’ (Springer and Deutsch, 1998, p. 1-2). By 1870 further evidence also began to surface, when other investigators began to realise that ‘many types of language disorders could result from damage to the left hemisphere’ (Springer & Deutsch, 1998, p. 1). For example, Broca’s and Wernicke’s aphasia: Broca’s aphasia causes speech problems associated with comprehension, resulting from damage to Broca’s area (situated in the left frontal cortex), whilst Wernicke’s aphasia causes word salad (hard to understand, jumbled speech), resulting from damage to Wernicke’s area (situated in the left temporal lobe). Later research has also supported Dax’s original findings, one example of such research concluded ‘that the left hemisphere is responsible for language in almost all right-handed individuals’ (Butler, S. R. 1997, p. 187). This research also links the additional factor of handedness to investigations of hemispheric lateralisation, an idea which has been supported by others in the field. For example: ‘In right handers †¦ , it is almost always the case that the hemisphere that controls the dominant hand is also the hemisphere that controls speech’ (Springer and Deutsch, 1998, p. 2), therefore it is possible that for left handers, as their dominant hand is being controlled by the right hemisphere, the right hemisphere may be responsible for speech control and other language functions instead of the left hemisphere. Additional research looking at right hemisphere lesions has demonstrated that the right hemisphere is responsible for some linguistical functions: finding that patients with such lesions may be ‘impaired relative to normal controls on certain tests of language’ (Corballis, C. M. 1983, p. 33). One study by Lesser (1974) reported such an impairment ‘on a semantic test involving comprehension of spoken words but not on a phonological or syntactic test’ (Corballis, C. M. 1983, p. 33), suggesting a small role for the right hemisphere in language processing. Kinsbourne and McMurray carried out valuable research using healthy participants, using a procedure similar to the current study (cited in Kalat, 2004, pg. 427). They asked participants to tap with a pencil on a piece of paper as many times as they could in one minute, first with their right hand then with their left, then asked them to do the same again whilst talking, they found that ‘for most right-handers, talking decreases the tapping rate with the right hand more than with the left hand’. This further supports left hemispheric dominance for language, as well as supporting the current study’s methodology and informing its hypothesis. As has been demonstrated most research supports left hemispheric dominance of language functions, but also links hemispheric specialisation with other factors and accepts that the right hemisphere holds some language comprehension control. This experiment looks for further supportive evidence and also briefly looks at handedness as a possible affecting factor. The study uses a finger tapping and language processing task, with the notion that the speed at which keys are pressed will be relatively similar with both hands. If however, if it is the case that language is more associated with the left hemisphere, then on average when processing language, the speed of the right hand will be slower than the left hand, presumably because the left hemisphere then has to do two tasks at once (right hand finger tapping and language processing). This is only the case however if all participants in the experiment have left hemisphere dominance for language, and is thus the reason we have recorded the handedness of our participants. As a result of previous studies and research the hypothesis for this experiment is: there will be differences in the number of taps made from each of the two hands when language is or isn’t being processed. Method Design The experiment used a fully repeated measures within-subjects design: all participants took part in all conditions. There was one independent variable, consisting of four different levels: left hand, talking, no talking and right hand talking, no talking. The dependent variable was the number of key presses made within the time limit of 30 seconds per trial.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free sample - Should local sales tax be increased or decreased. translation missing
Should local sales tax be increased or decreased. Should local sales tax be increased or decreasedContent of the problem Currently, taxes added on top of prices of goods or services that are purchased within a country are either being increased or decreased depending on the country. Sale tax is a consumption that is displayed as a percentage of the sale price. It is vital to assess sale taxes in every state, county or municipal level in order to determine the amount that is being taxed and can help in knowing whether to increase or to decrease. The biggest problem with sales tax evaluation is the state-local tax burden due to increasing population and changes in the tax policies is also another area that is supposed to be considered. In the past it was a bit different since most of the states’ population was not so high and thus it was easy to determine whether sales tax be increased or decreased. But as time has moved, this has been witnessed to have taken another different direction and the states’ population must be put into consideration since most of this has to determine the increase or decrease of sale tax in every state (Frederick, 315). Statement of the problem In the today’s world, employment has hit and most of the people graduate and do not get job and thus imposing sales tax on such people may deem to be the biggest problem. The tax imposed on property is also important on the other hand as it helps in ensuring that it is used in curing the budget. This is due to the fact that revenue gotten from corporate net is usually viewed as volatile, especially in cases whereby recession and therefore it will be unworthy to states to lean heavily on it. Even though the income tax increase helps in budget deficit, raising the income tax by even just 5% would lead to a drop on the tax Foundation’s Tax Climate Index. This may also lead to not having lower personal income tax in such regions. This may also lead to the corporate income tax to drop even further. And also, in increasing the tax of corporate income may set a state an even bigger fall in the future and that is really a demerit. This paper will look at the barriers of sales tax increase and decrease since this is a tool that will in turn help in determining whether to increase or decrease sales tax in any state. This can be done through in co-operating some programs into the scheme of sale tax evaluation system. Research question Given that it is important to determine whether to increase or decrease the sales tax in any given state; there are a number of questions that must be put into consideration. Since sale tax is also important to the government, it is vital for the government to treat those contributing to tax revenue as important figures in the society. This in turn will make not to appear as a burden to those contributing to sale tax (Merriman, 21). Nonetheless, in order to gather the required information regarding sales tax increase or decrease it is vital to address the following questions during the research process: a)     How imperative is tax reduction or increase to both the government and the citizens? b)     Are there some economy tax credit programs that can be employed instead of just increasing or decreasing the sales tax and how is it helpful to the common man? c)     What is the purpose of considering change in tax policy and can this help in tax expenditure justification? d)    What are the cautions for both tax increase and tax decrease?    Significance of the study According to research carried by Arnold in 2004, (228) in both the United States and the whole world at large it is vital not to impose so much tax on the common man as this will have tremendous effect in future, either positive or negative. Even though most citizens suffer from high taxation, it is vital not to increase the sales tax to the common man and impose tax on goods and services rendered internationally. This proposal aims at looking into ways in which sales tax can be imposed without causing any havoc to the common man and thus improves the economy of the country. This must also focus on developing a positive attitude to those imposing tax on property without experiencing state-local tax burden. This is important since it is used to determine how Tax Foundation yearly calculation concerning how heavy the state-local tax burden is for the population in any given state (Rodgers, 229). Objectives of the study Just like any incentive program, it is vital to look at the objectives, basically in numeric terms. This specifically helps in determining the final result such as increasing sales, or purchase by your reseller. Some of the objectives include:  i)       Obtaining a certain percentage of shares for a new product in its full year. ii)     Increasing the percentage of sales. iii)   Increase the number of showroom displays in both local and international market. iv)   Increase the number of people participating in product training programs.  Research Design and Methodology This research study will focus on both the quantitative and qualitative approach since it requires collection of data and carrying out of surveys in relation to the past sales tax estimations and calculations. Another approach will be the descriptive since it will require first hand information from previous research in order to avoid misunderstanding. Finally the research will carry our surveys by interviewing the concerned using semi-structured questioners. Conclusion It is vital to look at the disadvantages and advantages associated with sales tax increase and decrease. This is likely to help determine which one is the most appropriate option. All in all it is also significant to understand the limitation of the research process since it can be applied as a cautionary measure before deciding on which way to go. It is vital to understand that fiscal problems should not be addressed by tax alone (Arnold, 229).  Work Cited Arnold, Raphaelson, "The Property Tax," in J. Richard Aronson and Eli Schwartz, eds., Management Policies in Local Government Finances, 3rd edition, (2004) p. 229 Frederick, Stocker. "Diversification of the Local Revenue System: Income and Sales Taxes, User Charges, Federal Grants," National Tax Journal, September (2006), p. 315 Merriman, David. The Control of Municipal Budgets: Toward the Effective Design of Tax and Expenditure Limitations. (New York: Quorum Books, (2001), pp. 20-23 Rodgers, James. "Sales Taxes, Income Taxes, and Other Nonproperty Revenues, " in J. Richard Aronson and Eli Schwartz, eds., Management Policies in Local Government Finance, Third Edition (Washington, DC: International City Management Association, (1997), p. 229. Sherwood-Call, "The Labor Tax as an Alternative Revenue Source," Proceedings of the Seventy-Ninth Annual Conference (Columbus, OH: National Tax Association, (2002), pp. 86-93
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Easter Celebrations Origins and Customs
Easter Celebrations Origins and Customs The meaning of the many different customs observed during Easter Sunday have been buried with time. Their origins lie in both pre-Christian religions and Christianity. In one way or another all the customs are a salute to spring marking re-birth. The white Easter lily has come to capture the glory of the holiday. The word Easter is named after Eastre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring. A festival was held in her honor every year at the vernal equinox. People celebrate Easter according to their beliefs and their religious denominations. Christians commemorate Good Friday as the day that Jesus Christ died and Easter Sunday as the day that He was resurrected. Protestant settlers brought the custom of a sunrise service, a religious gathering at dawn, to the United States. Who is the Easter Bunny? The Easter Bunny is a rabbit-spirit. Long ago, he was called the Easter Hare, hares and rabbits have frequent multiple births so they became a symbol of fertility. The custom of an Easter egg hunt began because children believed that hares laid eggs in the grass. The Romans believed that All life comes from an egg. Christians consider eggs to be the seed of life and so they are symbolic of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Why we dye, or color, and decorate eggs is not certain. In ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia eggs were dyed for spring festivals. In medieval Europe, beautifully decorated eggs were given as gifts. Easter Egg Photo Gallery Continue Egg Rolling In England, Germany and some other countries, children rolled eggs down hills on Easter morning, a game which has been connected to the rolling away of the rock from Jesus Christs tomb when he was resurrected. British settlers brought this custom to the New World. Dolly Madison - Queen of Egg Rolling Easter Parades Good Friday is a federal holiday in 16 states and many schools and businesses throughout the U.S. are closed on this Friday. Continue Strange Easter Patents
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Summarizing in Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Summarizing in Accounting - Essay Example The decision making cycle in industrial age was long and time consuming it followed seven steps of hierarchy, starting with user of accounting information, pervasive constraints, user specific qualities, primary decision specific qualities, ingredient of primary quality, secondary and interactive quality and threshold for recognition. Whereas, the information accounting has three steps pervasive constraints, objective and threshold for recognition. Revolution has caused many aspect of the society to change; the change in economy impacts the demand for information. FABS and IASB have combined their basic principle knowledge to redefine the current conceptual framework. The method used to determine fair value is far different calculating the values used in cost allocation. It is believed by successful industrialist that it is important to make changes in the skill sets of organizations in order to have estimates associated with valuation. The focus of the paper is to highlight the causes of changes in the financial accounting principles; the paper has made the theory of Kuhn as their basis because according to his theory it is believed that a revolutionary change results in reconstruction of basic fundamentals. The old paradigm has been in practice over a longer period of time that is why the industry is facing difficulties in shifting to new paradigm; the accounting behavior has added human behavior that interact with accounting paradigm. It is difficult to make such changes but at the same time they have to be made to cope up with the changing environment. The research paper is written by Mark Kohl-beck and Terry Warfield. In the paper they have discussed about the improvement in the US accounting quality, in order to study the same they have undertaken 19 general-purpose accounting principles which have been most popularly used in the last 30 year. The analysis
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Research paper Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Research paper - Literature review Example 2)Preschool children refer to children that are on their early childhood education. It usually occurs to children before they are at a position of joining primary school. Though the ages may slightly vary, most of the preschool children are usually between the age of three and six years. This research examines pupils in this level of education for the prevalence of dental carries. 3)Early childhood carries refers to a kind of tooth decay that occurs to children that are in their first five years of growth after birth. Children can develop this condition in their infancy, either as toddlers or as preschoolers (Kail 2011, p.2). 4)Primary maxillary anterior teeth refer to the deciduous teeth that develop during infancy of which it comprises of the canines as well as the central and lateral incisors. These teeth are found on the front side. 5)Dentition refers to the teeth development from infancy to adulthood and the subsequent arrangement of the teeth in the mouth of an individual. It traverses from the arrangement of the teeth in the mouth, the kind, and the number of each type present in the mouth. 7)Cavitation refers to the presence of a cavity in a given tissue or an organ (Merriam-Webster 2014, p.1). In our context of research, it entails the formation of tooth cavities specifically touching on children teeth. 11)Sample frame refers to all the components present in a sampling area from where the sample will be obtained from. The sample frame can be made up of a variety of components, all of which helps in getting the data required by a researcher. 12)Dental examination deals with an analysis of the situation of the teeth in order to identify any potential anomalies that may require to be corrected. It is one of the requirements for good oral health. The research paper by Rahul, June, and Alan, Socio-Behavioral
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis Essay
Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis - Essay Example For that reason, this paper shall undertake a thorough analysis of the history, products, market, and target price of McDonald’s. Further, this shall also touch on various issues related to competition in the national and international food industry, especially on subjects concerning price target, financial conditions, and market shares. Current Market Conditions and Competitive Market Analysis History of McDonalds McDonalds is the largest hamburger fast food chain restaurant in the world today. It currently serves 119 countries with at least 68 million customers every day (Yahoo Finance, 2012). McDonald was born in 1940, with its first branch opened to public by Richard and Maurice McDonald in California. It was in 1948 that the restaurant adopted and advanced the standards of contemporary "fast-food" restaurant, which has already been adopted by White Castle hamburger within the past 20 years. Despite the initial soaring success and growing public patronage, the restaurant w as provisionally closed in 1948 in order to revamp its services (Juan Pollo, 2011). Three months later, the company re-opened with its newly adopted production line standards, which include the drive-in service (Ivanova, 2011). In 1955, a food mixer, businessman, and salesman, Ray Kroc, joined the company as a chartered agent. He later acquired the restaurant from the McDonald brothers and managed its wide-ranging, international expansion (Ivanova, 2011). Kroc recognized that if he takes advantage of the opportunity to become a franchising agent, it would expand the company worldwide, and would bring so much promise to his future. Still in 1955, another McDonald restaurant was launched in Des Plaines, Illinois. Also, Fred Turner, who would later become the restaurant’s chairman, was signed up as a â€Å"counter man†(Ivanova, 2011). In 1963, the business started to proliferate at a much faster rate. It already had 500 restaurants (Ivanova, 2011). The restaurant had its initial stock sharing price of 22.50 dollars per share by 1965. Two years later, the company would expand internationally, beginning to open in US neighbors and borders like Canada and Puerto Rico until today when it has reached countries worldwide. The company had big modifications on its service system, which include the first-ever Drive-thru. The first drive-thru was employed in a branch in Arizona. The Drive-thru system had become one of the most victorious enactments that the company had carried out. Not long after, the company began to flourish so rapidly. It had invaded Europe with countries like Spain and Denmark, as well as some parts of Asia, which include the Philippines. By the closing of 1983, it had an astonishing 7,778 restaurants in only 32 countries internationally (Ivanova, 2011). Today, the company is heavily regarded as the largest fast food chain the world, with at least 32 thousand branches in 119 countries worldwide (Yahoo Finance, 2012). The concept and rule of this growth is to provide "high quality, standardized products to all customers" (Ivanova, 2011). Each McDonald restaurant is being managed autonomously through the company's franchising system. McDonalds Products McDonald’s products are basically classified into several categories: hamburgers, salads, desserts, chicken, pork and/or fish sandwiches, fries, soft drinks,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Role Of Project Manager In Communication Management Plan Management Essay
Role Of Project Manager In Communication Management Plan Management Essay The role of a project manager in project communication management consists of Identifying stakeholders, Planning communications, Distributing Information and Managing Stakeholder expectations and Reporting performance A key role of the project manager is to create a communications management plan to analyze stakeholder communications needs and disseminate important information efficiently. Richer forms of communications should be used for important objectives The Tuckman model developed by Dr. Bruce Tuckman in 1970 describes 5 stages of team development such as Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning If project managers depended too heavily on money, penalty or authority, the project was more likely to fail compared to work challenge and expertise which were more influential Project Managers should set an example by leading their teams such that the team members should know how to deal with conflicts, where team members work out small conflicts amongst themselves before elevating them to the higher ups Project managers and team members could use these strategies such as confrontation, compromise, smoothing, forcing, withdrawal and collaboration Project practitioners should adhere to the PMIs Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct in dealing with conflict amongst team members. 1. Introduction: There are four core knowledge areas of project management that deal with project scope, time, cost and quality management which help in defining the specific project objectives. Human resource, communications, risk and procurement management are the four facilitating knowledge areas. These four facilitating knowledge areas are processes that help in achieving the project objectives and hence are important. The greatest threat to any project is the ineffective communication between the project manager, team and the key stakeholders. Many problems in completion of projects are attributed to unclear scope or unrealistic schedules which indicate communication problems between the project manager, team and stakeholders. It is crucial for project managers and their teams to understand Project communication management. Project communication management deals with generation, collection, dissemination and storing of project information (Schwabe, 2010) This next section deals with the role of a project manager in a communication management plan and the elements involved in it. Further sections show how project managers establish team culture, the characteristics of motivation, conflicts, strategies on conflict resolution and ethical behavior in dealing with conflicts. 2. Communication : Communication is very important for the success of any project. It is also closely related with team work and team building and hence also affects how conflicts happen. A communication management plan for the entire project is very necessary. The role of a project manager in project communication management is given as follows: a. Identifying Stakeholders : This stage identifies the people involved in or affected by the project. The project manager creates processes and manages relationships with them. The project manager must create a Stakeholder register and Stakeholder management strategy. b. Planning communications : This stage identifies the communication needs and the channel of communication required by the stakeholder. A communications management plan and project documents update are required made by the project manager. c. Distributing Information and Managing Stakeholder expectations : The Project manager makes important information available to project stakeholders efficiently and in a timely manner, such that it satisfies the communication needs and expectations of the project stakeholders. Formal or informal plans, procedures, policies are the output of this stage. d. Reporting Performance : A project manager collects and reports project performance information to the stakeholders in the form of status reports, forecasts and progress measurements (Schwabe, 2010) Developing information and making it available to all the stakeholders is an important function of the project managers and team. Project managers and their teams must decide the recipient of the information and distribution channels for the information. They should also decide on the format of the information, such as written reports or meetings etc. A key role of the project manager is to create such a communications management plan to analyze stakeholder communications needs and disseminate important information efficiently. According to the Daft and Lengels Media richness theory, the richness of the media in communication is directly proportional to the time and cost spent on it. Hence face to face communication is preferred to email because of better communication but it is more costly and more time is spent. Thus richer forms of communications should be used for important objectives (Markus L, 1994) 3. Establishing team culture Team work and people management are the most important issues in project management. Establishing and motivating teams are interlinked with communication and are important to understand before understanding conflict and the ethical issues related with conflict. Belbin observes that, The essence of a team is its members form a co-operative association through a division of labor that best reflects the contribution that each can make towards the common objectives. To establish a team the project manager can use the following graphical techniques: Work Breakdown Structures shows major tasks broken down into smaller tasks Linear Responsibility Charts shows relationships between tasks and people Organizational Hierarchy Charts shows structure of a project team or organization The Tuckman model developed by Dr. Bruce Tuckman in 1970 describes 5 stages of team development such as: Forming an important stage of introducing team members either at initiation, or as new members are introduces Storming team members have different opinions on how a team should work. Usually conflicts occur during this phase Norming team members have developed common working method and cooperate with each other Performing Team members are likely to build loyalty towards each other. Team can cope with greater change and complex tasks. Adjourning After completion of work and successful reaching of goals, this stage consists of the break-up of the team (Cadle and Yeates, 2001) This model gives a brief idea about where conflict occurs within a team and at what stage. This could be used by the project manager to handle conflicts effectively during the storming stage. Establishing the right balance of roles in any team is crucial in avoiding or resolving conflicts. In a successful team there is a good combination of different personality types. According to Meredith Belbin a successful team needs the following combination of roles: The chair calm, strong and tolerant individual The plant an individual who generates ideas The monitor-evaluator Evaluates ideas The shaper an individual who focuses on the objectives The team worker helps create a good working environment The resource investigator finds information and resources for the project The completer finisher checks details, deadlines, proof reads The company worker works hard, similar to team worker (Belbin, 1996) A good blend of different personality types in a team will help in formation of less conflicts and resolving conflicts faster. According to Patrick Lencioni, lack of teamwork could lead to a) Absence of trust b) Conflict c) Lack of commitment d) Avoidance of accountability e) Inattention to results which could lead to failure of organizations. The team consists of individuals with different needs and expectations from the team. Motivation plays a very crucial part in the development of a team and its individuals as discussed in the next section 4. Motivation : To understand the various factors that influence motivation we need to understand the hierarchy of needs of an individual. In the late 1940, Maslow suggested that people are motivated according to their circumstances. In this theory is the idea that the employees needs have to be satisfied from the bottom up as shown in Fig. 2. The bottom level consists of basic survival and safety needs. The need for belonging and to be part of a group or a team comes second. The fourth level is about the ego and esteem needs and the final level is the personal fulfillment level. Project manager and project team members need to understand their respective motivations with regards to social, esteem and self actualization (Cadle and Yates, 2001) Self-actualization Personal growth and fulfilment personal growth and fulfilment Esteem needs Achievement, status, responsibility, reputation achievement, status, responsibility, reputation Belongingness and Love needs Family, affection, relationships, work group, etc family, affection, relationships, work group, etc. Safety needs Protection, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc protection, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc. Biological and Physiological needs Basic life needs air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc basic life needs air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc. Fig: 2 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Some of the methods employed by project managers to motivate or influence team members to work towards achieving a successful project are: Authority PMs right to issue orders Assignment allocating duties Budget Authorization of funds by PM Promotion Money Pay rise and benefits Penalty causing punishment by PM Work Challenge such that it motivates the team member Expertise PM commands respect from team members based on his special knowledge Friendship ability to establish friendly relations Thamhain and Wilemon found that if project managers depended too heavily on money, penalty or authority, the project was more likely to fail compared to work challenge and expertise which were more influential (Schwabe, 2010) Some of the factors that affect motivation of employees are as follows: Environment Manipulation Scheduling pressure Lack of appreciation Technically inept management Lack of involvement Low quality 5. Conflict Resolution and Ethics The possibility of conflict between team members is always possible unless good communication isnt observed. Some of the common reasons for conflict between team members are as follows Scheduling Project priorities Human resources Admin procedures Personality clashes Costs Technical opinions and trade offs Project managers should help identify and manage conflict by using their human resources and communication skills. Project Managers should set an example by leading their teams such that the team members should know how to deal with conflicts, where team members work out small conflicts amongst themselves before elevating them to the higher ups. The project manager must separate people from the problem and use negotiation to resolve dispute. Unethical behavior should be avoided by both the parties. Negotiation amongst project manager and team members such that: Focus on interests: negotiator needs should keep in mind the interest of the parties to the dispute as against the position the parties have drawn up Inventing Options for mutual gain: Negotiator should find win-win solutions such that no party compromises on the project objectives Insist on objective criteria: negotiator should determine the quality of outcomes rather than positions. According to Meredith and Mantel, negotiation skills are particularly required a) when using subcontractors b) different teams are brought together to work on a task c) during change management. In the event of a conflict, the following principles of negotiation should be adopted: Without damaging the project objectives the conflict must be resolved Honest negotiations must take place All parties should be satisfied by the solution to the conflict (Schwabe, 2010) Strategies for resolving conflict Project Managers and team members could make use of the 5 basic modes of conflict resolution as suggested by Krezner in 2003 1. Confrontation: Project managers directly face conflict in the confrontation mode by using a problem solving approach such that affected parties work through their disagreements towards a win-win solution. This is the most preferred method of conflict resolution amongst project managers (Schwabe, 2010) 2. Compromise: Project managers adopt the compromise mode to bargain and search for solutions that bring some degree of satisfaction to the parties in dispute, similar to give and take attitude. 3. Smoothing Project managers adopt the soothing mode such that they de-emphasize or avoid areas of conflict and emphasize the area of agreement 4. Forcing Forcing mode is also termed as the win-lose approach such that a competitive or autocratic project manager exerts his viewpoint at the potential expense of another team members view point. 5. Withdrawal This is the worst conflict-handling mode where project managers retreat from a potential or actual disagreement and hence called the withdrawal mode 6. Collaborating This is a fairly recent conflict resolution mode called the collaborating mode, where different viewpoints and insights are encouraged by decision makers to develop consensus and commitment Successful project managers also use collaboration and compromise to resolve conflicts. Smoothing, forcing and withdrawal are hardly used by successful project managers for resolving conflict. A standard process for resolving conflict could be detailed as follows: Identify conflict and discuss with stakeholders Gather information Analyze solution List options for conflict resolution Decide conflict resolution mode Carry out conflict resolution Ethical Behavior in dealing with Conflicts Project Managers and their team members are required to make ethical decisions in personal and professional lives. In terms of conflict resolution too, project management practitioners should conduct their jobs in an ethical manner. According to the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct present on the website, the practitioners should behave in the following manner with regards to professional integrity and conflict resolution We make decisions and take actions based on the best interests of society, public, safety and the environment We fulfill the commitments that we undertake we do what we say we will do We accept only those assignment that are consistent with our background, experience, skills and qualifications We inform ourselves about the norms and customs of others and avoid engaging in behaviors they might consider disrespectful We listen to others points of view, seeking to understand them We approach directly those persons with whom we have a conflict or disagreement We demonstrate the transparency in out decision-making process We constantly reexamine our impartiality and objectivity, taking corrective action as appropriate We proactively and fully disclose any real or potential conflicts of interest to appropriate stakeholders We earnestly seek to understand the truth We are truthful in our communications and in our conduct (PMI Code of Ethics, 2010)
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Critical Essay on Edgar Allan Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher (1
The twenty first century author Alexandra Iftodi Zamfir (1986- ) argues that â€Å"architecture and settings are more important in Gothic fiction than in any other type of literature†¦all architectural elements are closely connected with Gothic protagonists and the plot.†(Zamfir. 2011: 15). This critical essay will first consider and analyse this statement and investigate the style, language and form of the American author Edgar Allan Poe’s (1809-1849) macabre and Gothic fictional prose The Fall of the House of Usher (1839) (Poe. 1987: 1). I shall present and argue how the artistic effects deployed in the narrative structure create an atmosphere of tension and suspense, through the exploration of architectural space demonstrated in a close reading and analysis from key passages of the text. The Fall of the House of Usher was written by the American author and poet Edgar Allan Poe, it first featured as a Gothic short story in Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine in (1839) (Hayes. 2002: xvii). Poe was writing at a time of immense change to social, economic and cultural conditions following the technological advancements of the Industrial Revolution (1750-1850), his work on The Fall of the House of Usher could be said to show an impact of Western society’s internal and external fragmentation. (Montagna: 2006). As stated by Zamfir â€Å"the universe portrayed in the House of Usher is Poe’s most sublime†¦in humanizing a dwelling to portray the inner self of the Gothic hero, but it also represents an investigation of the self in a state of disintegration.†(Zamfir. 2011: 62). This process of disintegration is both reflected within the architectural structure of the house itself; as the building gradually corrodes, in addition to that of the ps... ..._of_Space_in_Gothic_Architecture. [Accessed 11th May 2012] Giordano, R. (2005-2011) Poestories.com: An Exploration of Short Stories by Edgar Allan Poe. [On-line] Available from: http://www.poestories.com/. [Accessed 24th September 2011] Gunn, A.G. (1997-2002) Cyclopaedia of Ghost Story Writers. [On-line] Available from: http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/~agg/ghosts/#poeea. [Accessed 24th September 2011] Hallqvist, C. (2001) The Poe Decoder. [On-line] Available from: http://www.poedecoder.com/. [Accessed 24th September 2011] Montagna, J.A. (2006) The Industrial Revolution. [On-line] Available from: http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1981/2/81.02.06.x.html. [Accessed 11th May 2012] Pridmore, J. (1998-2011) Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849). [On-line] Available from: http://www.literaryhistory.com/19thC/Poe.htm. [Accessed 24th September 2011]
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Pluribus Unum: How Then/How Now
E Pluribus Unum is a Latin term that has been used in the US coin since 1776. The term which directly translates to ‘out of may one' became a de facto motto for the US till it was replaced by ‘In God We Trust' in 1956. Understanding the relevance of the phrase and the role that it has played in the ideas that have been and are being adopted by the US is important in developing an understanding of its implication. In its original employment the term E Pluribus Unum was used to portray the nature of US as a nation originating from an amalgamation of thirteen kingdoms.The use of E Pluribus Unum as a leading ideology in strategies that the US employed in its involvement in the world wars and those that it employed thereafter led to its being labeled a melting pot. It is worth noting that the US did not engage in the initial phases of both the second and first word war but only played parts in the last critical stages and rebuilding nations that engaged in the wars. E Pluribus Unum implies that the US as a nation embraced a culture where different communities and cultural backgrounds came together in peaceful coexistence.The involvement of the US in the Second World War was thus aimed at ensuring the end to a threat to development of homogeneous nations. Under this consideration, the US was against war not the Germans and the ideals driven by the Nazi who sought superiority over other races. The engagement of the US in rebuilding nations that were appreciative of capitalism goes in hand with developing a homogeneous society; an objective that is central to E Pluribus Unum. Development of a common ideology through different approaches in a society that is appreciative of this ideology is important to propagation of E Pluribus Unum.Employment of different approaches is allowed; however, the ideologies that underpin the different approaches should be uniform throughout the different groups. Capitalism as a system that brought together Western Europe nations that were worst affected by the Second World War and the US is basically developed under the same principles that define E Pluribus Unum. It is worth noting that capitalism employed in an economic environment is defined by an environment where there are a number of players who seek common goals but have different resource ability due to the free market ideology.Capitalism as an ideology ensures the development of markets where different players are presented with the same opportunities and success is thereby defined by resource ability and levels of organization that the different business entities afford in harnessing their opportunities. Such environments as it current is are defined by a large number of players and high levels of competition though the rules that players have to pay by are equally defined for all players. No one nation allows more immigrants into its society than the US.Open immigration policies that defined the period just after the second world war and have be en a hallmark of US foreign policy before increase in awareness on the effects of immigration and terrorism are all in line with the development of a society where different nationalities can come into the US and get absorbed into its culture to aid the development of its economy. The US allows more immigrant than any other nation and plays an important part in global policies especially in addressing issues that it feels are of global importance.One of the key reasons given by successive US Presidents before invasion of nations or pronouncement of war against terrorism or even drugs is based on such nations' purported support for ideologies that are detrimental to the development of a homogeneous society. The war against Vietnam, invasion of communist nations, war against terrorism and the Iraq invasion to seek weapons of mass destruction have all been done under the premise of ensuring global peace and unity by dealing with threats that are of global stature.Globalization and tech nological development are variables in the present environment that define the levels of success that nations attain harnessing opportunities present in their environments. In fact globalism and technological development especially information technology plays a large part in shaping up a global economy that is predominantly capitalistic. The US has played large part in globalization for it is the home of many multinationals that shape the global economy.The European Union which is a global economic force resulted from a pronounced need for common bargaining and so are a number of regional trading blocks that have come into existence. A technological development like the GPRS global positioning system that is under the control of the US government places it in a position where it is able to monitor other nations while providing them with a critical technology the same can be said of satellite technology.A recent manifestation of the E Pluribus Unum is the 2008 economic crisis which shows that the ideology has spread all over the globe. Each nation is defined by its own approaches to economic development despite the advent of globalization. The SubPrime crisis that started in the US had negative effects on other nations hence the global stature of the crisis. This is a manifestation of the E Pluribus Unum in a wrong light where all feel the negative effect of an act or a crisis even if they were not involved in its perpetuation.‘In God We Trust' may have replace E Pluribus Unum as the official motto for the US government and its people however its manifestation is clear in both policies developed by the US government and variables that affect the economic environment defined by the US. Both negative and positive effects of its manifestation have been experienced thus though E Pluribus Unum came into being as depiction of the thirteen kingdoms that originally merged to from the US it has developed to be representative of the US and the globe.
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