Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Ritalin War essays

The Ritalin War essays Ritalin is a type of methylphenidate that produces a stimulant to the central nervous system (Wed MD). The exact way Ritalin works is unknown, however, we do know that Ritalin is being taken by four to six million children daily (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Pediatricians and doctors are giving this medication to young children in America that have some sort of behavioral problem with very little evidence of its effect. Attention deficit disorder ADD and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD are two types of disorders that are behavioral. These disorders are considered to be cause of a chemical imbalance in the brain. ADD and ADHD are not disorder but personality traits however, those who believe it is a disorder say the symptoms are different depending on the individual. Those who believe these are disorders say, Many are over stimulated, distracted, and restless. Others become hyper vigilant, withdrawn, and compulsive. Others act out, become disruptive or aggressive. All have trouble with self-esteem in their struggle to function (Reichenberg). Children and adolescents with these disorders are more heavily diagnosed than any other age group. About 70 percent of people diagnosed with the disorders use drugs to help manage the symptoms (Beal). Methylphenidate is the scientific name of the drug used with common names of Ritalin, Concerta, Metadate, and Methylin (Park). The scientific evidence and evaluation of Ritalin and other forms of Methylphenidate is very scarce. We do not know what the long term effects are or even if the drugs are stopping or just covering up the symptoms of ADD and ADHD. We do however know some of the side effects that are most commonly associated with the drugs. Some of the positive side effects that prescribed users may experience include an easy to take form, increased ability to co ...

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